Blog Archives


WHAT IS SUCCESS TO YOU Are you someone who sits around thinking it will just happen?  Or are you someone taking action and making things happen? Sometimes we have to fail in order to find success. Most people have the

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New year new start

A new year is like wiping the slate clean and feeling fresh and energised about the year ahead.  I decided to start the way I mean to go on, I would invest in me too by getting rid of the

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Effects on children post DV

People sometimes ask me why I do what I am doing and never take a break.  Why do I put the hours in that I do (working when people are relaxing).  For me I have an unwavering desire to see

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What it takes to find a leader

I had a wonderful leadership breakfast this morning and reinforced why we are doing this business and to think back to our why. I have mentioned in the past that it take perseverance to succeed and that is the same

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Change in 2013

Well it is nearly the end of the year and it really gets many people thinking about what is ahead in the coming year.  Do they make a change and look at creating something different for the up coming year?

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The Importance of perseverance

You will hear time and time again that people would love to do something else in life or would like a change or have tried something but it looks too hard or becomes overwhelming to them.  Sometimes people will say

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