Are you someone who sits around thinking it will just happen? Or are you someone taking action and making things happen?
Sometimes we have to fail in order to find success.
Most people have the opportunity to succeed. So why doesn’t everyone succeed? Because success and failure are choices made consciously and subconsciously and failure is chosen by many for various reasons.
Here are a few reasons why some succeed and some fail:
“Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven’t planted.” – David Bly
Is your belief that success is won, innate, or earned? This can sometimes define if a person will or won’t succeed and gives you an indication of who they are and where and why they are at that point in their life.
Success is won: if you believe that success is won, you experience animosity and envy toward those you view as lucky or more fortunate than you. Is success outside of your control and is just luck or circumstances.
If this is your believe, how hard are you willing to work if you think it just happens rather than you earning it?
Succcess is innate: people who believe success is innate often feel the same as those who believe it’s won. You have a pessimistic view of opportunity; it’s trivial to them. Why does opportunity matter if success is innate?
How hard are you willing to work if you feel your opportunity doesn’t matter and your chances of success are nil because of your circumstances?
Success is earned: now this is me and we believe based on statistics that success is earned. We believe that nothing is free and to find success you must earn it. Are you a person willing to never give up and work hard and have passion for what you do?
Most successful people see success as earned and view their opportunity as probability.
Of course, people don’t have to stay with a certain view, they can change. For me I hit rock bottom and decided I could either stay there or I could work hard and change my life and inspire others who maybe had a similar background to me. Be an inspiration to those around you and it will draw people to you and you have an amazing positive energy in your business that is unstoppable.
Success comes from hard work and yes people at the bottom can still work very hard, but it is also a mindset that you have to change and it is defining what success is to you.
- Is it putting food on the table and just surviving
- Is it working 10 hours plus a day to line someone else’s pocket
- Or is it taking control of your own life, having the freedom to make your own choices and no longer being a slave to the clock or the wage packet. What do you want to change in your life? Do you want the opportunity to create your own future with no limitations?
I love what Benjamin Harvey and Dr Demartini say “Become a highly paid difference maker”
“To expect defeat is nine-tenths of defeat itself.” – Henry Mencken
The majority of people who fail simply make poor choices or have a poor outlook. Basically, failure is usually a choice but not a decision. Of course, there are also those things which are out of someone’s control.
“Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
“The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself.” – Mark Cain
We all face opposition on the way to the top and it is how we choose to deal with it and how strong our why is which makes us continue and see the success which we dreamt of. Never let anyone step on your dreams, continually tell yourself why you are doing this or why you might look at doing something different. Is it for:
More time with your family
Time freedom
To make a difference
To have no more limitations
To be your own boss
To be in control of your own destiny
You are the one who can make that decision today. In the words of a well known sports company “Just do it”!!
“Success is possible for anyone who is willing to achieve it. There are many who want success, but there is a huge difference between wanting-to and willing-to. You have to be willing…”