People sometimes ask me why I do what I am doing and never take a break. Why do I put the hours in that I do (working when people are relaxing). For me I have an unwavering desire to see a change in the world. I have a clear vision on how we can make a difference as communities and change the future for our children.
My daughter has always been a bit of a live wire and when I look back I see that at an early age she was exposed to more than a normal 2 and 3 year old should have been. She saw and heard things that any little one shouldn’t have. Some people think that it wouldn’t effect a child of that age but unfortunately it does. During these early years, this is when many of the pathways are forming and by the time a child is 4 years old they have 90% of an adult brain already formed.
It has been over 4 years since I took the hard decision for me and my children and start a new life.
As a sufferer of Domestic Violence I used to play the blame game of blaming myself for staying too long and that it was my fault that my little one is suffering now. People ask, “why is it that women stay in that kind of relationship?” It is not that we are weak but it is much harder to leave sometimes than to stay. Not only financially but emotionally too. This is why there has to be a change and The Life 2 Project is giving that to families that were just like mine.
The after affects on children can carry on for years and here are a few of the effects DV can have on the children:
- Behavioural, social, and emotional problems. Higher levels of aggression, anger, hostility, oppositional behaviour, and disobedience; fear, anxiety, withdrawal, and depression; poor peer, sibling, and social relationships; and low self-esteem.
- Cognitive and attitudinal problems. Lower cognitive functioning, poor school performance, lack of conflict resolution skills, limited problem solving skills, pro-violence attitudes, and belief in rigid gender stereotypes and male privilege.
- Long-term problems. Higher levels of adult depression and trauma symptoms and increased tolerance for and use of violence in adult relationships.
Some days it can be completely exhausting dealing with a child who is struggling with her own emotions. One minute she is on a complete high and the next uncontrollable and anxious. To hear your precious child still feel scared even though she is in a safe and loving environment now is heartbreaking. To see her daily pick her skin until it bleeds and see the little scars on her perfect beautiful skin is all the motivation I need to tell people about what we are doing.
In the midst of one of her rages all I can do is cuddle her and make it better and let her know she is safe now. This sometimes takes all my strength both physically and emotionally and there are days when I just collapse in a heap exhausted, knowing that I will have to deal with it again the next day. I wake up the next morning to see the beautiful smiles on my children’s faces and I have my never give up attitude back in place and know I am here to make a difference in their lives and millions of children just like them. I want to see a change in the world and help break the cycle of Domestic violence.
We can all make a difference and if you would like to help support us on our mission to make a change, please check out my website at or like us on facebook or the life 2 project 1000 shoppers campaign and spread the word. This is a much needed service and together as communities just by getting better safer products for your family and saving money on your normal shopping you can help us make a difference.