Signups in online Business

I decided today I am going to write a blog on something most of us would be interested in
~ signups in online business. Many people in online business that are just ID-10084434starting out have a challenge in perhaps:

  • Believing in themselves
  • Been very eager for quick results
  • Feel unmotivated as a result of passed online experiences

I understand – I was there!
I would like to tell a short factual story on my experience to show you why your mindset and your determination is very important!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles/

My Story

I had been a part of a handful of home business opportunities that I enjoyed but wasn’t having success with. I did everything I was told but felt I was not truly a part of a team. I loved the people and opportunity but the energy was just not right for me, if that makes sense.Everybody was helpful but time together was limited. I felt that this was a downfall, especially when most of us joined did not know how to be entrepreneurs.

When I joined Better Women’s Network I was given a great opportunity to learn and earn. One of the important tools in Better Women’s Network is Global NPN. Here I found the necessary tools to help market my business, such as access to Instant Blogs and Auto Responders.

To see a complete list of
Global NPN’S Effective Marketing Tools

Better Women’s Network had taught me strategies to build my business and within a month I was in profit! First time ever I had experienced the success I always wanted and from the comfort of my office chair – thanks to the Better Women’s Network!

As months went by I continued to do as I was taught as I was determined to be like the other successful ladies and have what they have:

  • Daily emails regularly from prospects
  • Random signups popping up
  • Prospects contacting me and chasing me
  • Requests to be added as a friend on Facebook (business purposes)

That time did come! I have people contacting me and I do have people asking me what do I do and can I help them have a successful online business?

How do you get the same results?

If you are part of Better Women’s Network, you follow the lessons as I did and also be inspired enough to go on and discover tutorials offered to accomplish the results you want.

My To Do List:

  • Do your 15 minute tasks every day (teaching you how to build your business)
  • Write ONE Post into your Facebook Fan Page every day and not miss a day. Post more if you want to.
  • Create yourself and market ID-10086142yourself
  • Post your ads into appropriate Facebook groups daily
  • Build capture pages
  • Start promoting yourself
  • Video yourself
  • Start using an auto responder
  • Be your genuine self
  • Remember to remain available to your down line ~ help where you can and if you can’t – refer them to who can help
  • Developing mindset needed

Image courtesy of Master isolated images/


Of course there are many more ways that I built my business up thanks to the Better Women’s Network. Most importantly I am very grateful I developed a healthy mindset. After all if you do not have the right mindset, success becomes very difficult to achieve.

I have had people ask why they are not having certain results and comes down to the same questions in response:

  • Are you doing your 15 minute tasks every day?
  • Daily posting in various appropriate groups?
  • Are you developing your business?
  • Are your welcoming your new signups and helping them have a good understanding where to go from here? Followups are very important
    • auto-responders
    • capture pages
    • Facebook pages

and many more questions…


In Conclusion…

  • Little steps every day will eventually be of benefit to the results presented in your online business.
  • Building a momentum is important in any business.
  • Its a people business.
    One of the most important things I have learned is the importance of being genuine and being available to people so that you can build a healthy team. Can you imagine once you sign up into a great home business and actually have your mentor or up line being available to you and returning your calls? I am sure that’s what we all want and I am simply expressing this is what I have experienced and this is how I run my business.

Effort and consistency brought me results!

BWN Corp Income Blue Banner 250x250

So if a home business such as Better Women’s Network is what you are looking for JOIN HERE and I will help you get started and you will then get to meet like minded ladies in our Training Group on Facebook.

If you are a man who wants to be part of a similar Network – email me HERE and I will get back to you
as soon as possible.


Start YOUR day with AWESOME!

Best wishes,

Poifile LK



Copyright © 2013 Luba Kanch


Welcome to my Global NPN Blog! My name is Luba. For as long as I can remember I have had a passion to help ordinary people have extraordinary results! INSPIRATION was something I wanted to do to the world! But how? My journey started many years ago with the Law of Attraction and being apart of things I enjoyed doing, such as exploring Networking businesses, yoga, art and living life and having the time to do the things I wanted to do! Many people I came across were sick of doing what they have always done and were after a change where they could have more control over what they do in life and when! I finally found the way that I could INSPIRE many women with the support of a Better Women's Network that support each other through the building of their businesses. We are a TEAM and INSPIRE each other week after week! Global NPN is an important tool to our success, and is open to men and women. Fellas - stay tuned you can join me in Global NPN, but a Men's Network will appear soon so you too can received the support required for success online --> stay tuned fellas. If any of you ladies out there need that change and would like to be a part of Better Women's Network, contact me today and we will OPEN A DOOR OF OPPORTUNITY for you! Remember as the famous quotes goes: "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got!"   Best wishes - Luba. CONNECT with me via Facebook ......BETTER WOMEN'S NETWORK EARNINGS DISCLAIMER
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  • You’re Simply the BEST! Great post – keeping this one as a handy reference 🙂 Thanks Luba!

    • Luba Kanch

      Glad you enjoyed! Sometimes we all nee a little reminder on those handy tips including myself (even when I write it) 🙂

  • Jeanine DeOre

    Congratulations on finding a system that works! Thanks for sharing your routines and tips!

    • Luba Kanch

      Thank you for your comment Jeanine.
      I am dedicating my blog and Facebook Fan Page to handy tips and tricks to help as many women as possible and show there is a way.
      The upcoming launch has some great freebies – stay tuned.
      best wishes:)

  • Great do do list, Luba! I’m keeping it too. Thanks for sharing.

    • Luba Kanch

      Thanks Ligia – glad it was of benefit to you. Its a great reminder even for me 🙂
      its very rewarding teaching women that want to be successful, that there is a way. It was a 10 year search for the best home based business and I found the right tools