
Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day Everyone

Since the Middle Ages people have celebrated Valentines Days.   According to Wikipedia  Saint Valentine healed the daughter of his jailer Asterius. Legend states that before his executiovalentinen he wrote her a letter signed  “from your Valentine” as a farewell.  And so began the ritual of handing your loved one a valentine.

According to the National Retail Federation,  4.4 Billion is spent on Jewelry,  1.9 Billion for flowers, 1.6 Billion for candy, 1.5 Billion for gift cards and an amazingly 815 Million is spent on the family pet.

I’m sure that the retailers are very excited about this holiday.  I know that I would be.

With all of the flowers and candy being purchased on this special day, I would like to remind everyone that certain flowers and chocolate can be very dangerous to your family pets.  Please make sure you keep them away from your pets.

Today  it was so nice to see everyone walking around wishing each other Happy Valentines Day.  Smiles seemed to come a little easier.   Imagine if you were to get the same smiles every day?  Well I’m starting to see this with the support group of women that I have been working with.  Ladies who didn’t think they could operate an online business, create their own blog and most importantly support each other.  If this sounds like something you might be interested in please check out the Better Women’s Network and send me a message is you have questions.


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If it’s meant to be…. it’s up to me!

Pat Campbell


P.S.  This blog was created in Global NPN.

P.P.S:  I am working with a group of women through the Better Women’s Network to help me create an online marketing business






I am a beginning blogger and I recently found a great group of ladies in the Better Women's Network that I am working with. My goal is to create an online business for myself, and help other women to do the same to create some extra income that can be used to look after my family - human and animal. If you have any questions or comments I would be delighted to hear them. You can reach me on Skype at pat.campbell70 or by email at campman21@live.ca Income Disclaimer
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