Methods For Creating A Subscribers List?

I have been researching various avenues of creating  a large list

that I can send offers to.The most common way is though autoresponders.

You pick a product and if it does not have one you pick out a

autoresponder that you prefer set it up and if they have requested information

about that product you just got a list started with that particular campaign.

This is a pretty good way to create a list,but the problem is it takes a long time

because the only way that list grows is if someone opts in.Technology just

gets better and better.I ran across   a way to capture subscribers to your

list and they don’t have to sign up to you.This is your list alone and you don’t

have to share it with anyone.I highly recommend this to anyone that believes

the money is in the list.


I am 66 years young,married and have 4 sons and 21 grandchildren. I have been in the internet game for several years.

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