Half term, I love it, no rushing to work, no getting the kids up for school and lazy days. This week I’ve caught up with friends, tidied the house and found me time. Me time is an important part of all busy mums lives, whether you choose to pick up the phone, a glass of wine, paint your nails, watch a film or whatever you need to do, I believe it helps you to refocus and make you better at being you.
When you become a mum, the person you were can cease to exist unless you make time for yourself. But how does Better womens network fit into all this? BWN is a way to join women together and learn new skills in online marketing. This means I am earning and learning new skills which fit into my life, not my life fitting around work. What more could I want? Everyday a task is set, which takes a minimum of 15 mins, you can obviously spend longer, which I am but it is showing me how to build up my business.
The most questions people ask are What are you selling? I am selling absolutely Nada, but I am showing you how to market a business and hopefully it the future give you the confidence to invest in other businesses!
Its a learning curve and along the way I am meeting like minded women and we support each other within the matrix we have built, not a pyramid! Its exciting times as who knows what is round the corner? Hopefully soon my half terms will become my everyday life (except unfortunately I will have to get up to get my children to school!) But BWN has given me inspiration and I know its up to me to improve my life and lifes too short not to take chances and so far this chance is working!