I believe attraction marketing is trust indeed. I had a very interesting experience today that I would like to share with you all. It’s a good example that trust in someone needs to be built. When you help person and give her that free attention, you build that attraction that may result in future business marketing.
This whole week, I’ve been feeling lightheaded and nauseous. And my right ear ached as well. I thought I had a migraine. So, I went to the doctor’s hoping he was going to confirm my own diagnosis and prescribe something that would make me feel good again. Nope, he said I had some kind of virus and there was nothing he could about it. I just had to rest and wait. What about my ear which hurt at the least movement of the head? No, nothing was prescribed for the ear either because there was no sign of inflammation in it.
I thought I have to do, at least, something about my earache. I went to natural medicine place and I found a garlic oil ear drop. At the moment, I remembered that when I was a child, my grandmother used to crush garlic, put it inside a piece of cotton and stick in my ear whenever I had an earache. And it worked too. So, I decided to give it try. I must tell you, two days using the drops and I’m pain free. The only bad side to it is that it leaves the taste of garlic in your mouth.
Today, I was talking to my new friend Leanne Cane about my predicament this week and she told me that fresh ginger tea is very good for nausea. She added: “Take a piece of fresh ginger, peel it, put in a pot and boil it for at least 3 minutes, and then, drink it with honey for sweetness”. I said to myself: “It won’t hurt”. So, about two hours ago I made and took the tea. And guess what? I’m feeling great! Thanks Leanne!
Do you think I would have taken the tea if I didn’t trust Leanne? Of course not! That’s called attraction marketing. Leanne recently befriended me, and has given me good tips and support about my posts. Because of that attention that she has given me, I feel comfortable and open to go to her whenever I need help. And whatever she advises me I’m going to do it because I know she cares about me and my success. She made feel loved the same way my grandmother did.