Formula for Creating Goals that Help us Improve Life In General

In life, we have a formula to use that helps us to create goals that assist us in improving our personal life.

To implement  these goals,  however, we must use our inner qualities. These  inner qualities include skills, ability  to commit, ability to set priorities, ability to accept failure, will to say no, and so on.

We have self-awareness, personality and other details within as well that helps us to find ways to improve our personal life. 


Once you find your qualities and develop them you will find it easy to set goals. To get started,  consider brainstorming:  

long-term goals, short-term goals, evaluation of these goals, brainstorming some more, evaluating, and so on.

You want to consider managing your time as well.

 When you brainstorm you develop new ideas… ‘  New ideas’  is the path  that leads you to success. Brainstorming  helps you to learn something new. When you start to brainstorm you begin seeing things you didn’t see before.

When you brainstorm, it is wise to take notes. The notes will help you to remember things you had forgotten.  Use the notes to structure your plans.

 As you sit and write be sure to start your plans with short-term goals. The short-term goals should lead up to your long-term goals. Short-term goals should include what you want to accomplish in the next few years.

Do you plan to open a business? Do you plan to move? Do you plan to start a new career?   Each question will lead you into the right direction as you find answers.   For instance, “I plan to open a business in the next few years”.    How do you plan to open  that business?   What business are you considering?  How will you get the money to start your business?   

You have many options, so check your resources, learn new resources and continue building your dreams to improve your personal life.


After you lay out the plans for your short-term dreams, start working toward your long-term goals. For instance, in the  next ten years what do you see yourself doing? Use your visions and voices inside to cultivate a plan. Brainstorm your ideas.

 When setting up long-term plans,  keep them realistic. Make sure that your long-term falls in accord with your short-term goals.

For instance, if you plan to start a business in the next few years, build on this dream and plan to become productive and established in the near future. Start saving money to back your plans. You will need to set up a budget that allows you money to save.

 How to budget:

Your budget is based on your net income. If make $30,000 per year, set a budget that works within your means. Set aside money for backup, recovery, and money to save.

On the Internet and at your local library or colleges you will find that many grants are available to those starting a new business.

 How to save time:

You will need a time plan. You will need to plan your time wisely. The more time you plan to save the faster you will reach your dreams to improve your personal life and reach your goals. Save time by reviewing your daily activities, entertainment, family time, work time, leisure time and so on. If you spend four hours watching television, reduce your time to save by viewing television one hour each day, or two if the movie is worth your time. You have many options so  spread your wings and reach for the sky.

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I'm part of a big family here in the Matanuska Valley where my parents moved from Wisconsin in 1935. I lived and worked in Thailand for three years but most of my life has been spent in Alaska. I love the internet and internet marketing... How did we live without?