3 Keys To Online Success

3 Keys to Online Success

online success


Online Success remixed by my step dad…


There’s more than one way to skin a cat my stepfather used to say. It wasn’t literal (we didn’t skin cats) he was in his own unique way encouraging me when I ran into a road block to find a way around it. Because there is always another way to do a task.


In your online success journey you will encounter many roadblocks, some will really, really get you frustrated and make you want to quit, trust me on this one.


Although it would seem easier to stop pursuing online success when it gets difficult, I would only ask in that moment that you think about what pushed you to start looking for ways to make money online to begin with and then think about your alternatives…


Online Success is a journey not a destination…Ok, Ok that’s my cliche for the day.


1.Find a Mentor – I can’t stress enough how important it is to find someone who has already been where your going. Why is that soo important? Here are my Top 3 reasons why…


A. At some point you will need validation from them that your on the right track when it doesn’t appear that way to even you.

B. Typically leaders move with a pace that you haven’t developed for yourself yet.

C. Typically a leaders income is a direct reflection of their growth as a individual.

2.Have a Daily M.A.P. – Online Success can be traced to those who have a method of operation. To those who have a plan and stick to it.

Online Success

You need a Daily Massive Action Plan

Ok, I lied but it applies here..Cliche #2…lol. “People don’t plan to fail they just fail to plan”.  So to support my first key, your mentor should be willing to share what they do daily to ensure their success. If not contact me.

A very common pitfall to online success is, some people get stuck in “learning mode”. Jumping on every webinar, buying every info product, watching training videos all day long getting fired up to “Get Ready” to “Get Ready” to actually do something.

I’ve been there done that…don’t be afraid to act on what you know. Make a video just introducing yourself to the world and share it. You would be surprised how many people have never introduced themselves but call themselves trying to build an online presence.

3.Personal Development – This is huge to online success because to be honest this is where it all begins. Think about what happens in the morning when you first start waking up. What type of thoughts run through your mind. Someone told me that I was where I was because of my current thought life.

I said hogwash…until I thought about it one day and found out what types of thoughts dominated my day. Sure I had some positive stuff sprinkled here and there, but for the most part my thoughts were made up of worry, stress, guilt, frustration and regret. 

The biggest problem is that those types of thoughts are paralyzing and you end up changing your address so to speak and moving in with them. It so difficult to move forward because those thoughts are from your past and no one moves forward looking in the rear view mirror!

It takes time but to have online success, it’s essential that you “change the tape” by reading books, listening to audios, going on Youtube and watching videos on mindset training.

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Online Success

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Roger The Krafty Student

Hey it's Roger, I'm the Krafty Student...and all that means is that in my journey I've made a conscious decision to become the best student of List Building and Lifestyle that's possible. Infact, I want to be a "Lifestyle Ninja" Ha! I want to Master the Art of Lifestyle. I want to learn the art of creating my dream lifestyle and then pass that on to as many others as will listen. So I invite you to come with me as I learn and share. Thanks a million! Oh the Krafty part is just my unique spin on how I share value...

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  • Hi Roger,

    Really loved your post. It’s all about taking action even when you feel that it seems more or less “hopeless”. Your reference points with finding a mentor, following a map and develop your mindset are also very true. You got the spirit man. Hope to hear more from you soon again.


    • Ulf, I really appreciate the comments and I’ll do my best!
      Thanks for stopping by,

  • Brandon Tucker

    Enjoyed that Roger, you brought out some nice points.

    • Thanks Brandon, glad you got some value out of it.
