What the Heck Does Whitelist Mean???
I use to get emails when I 1st started marketing and I had plenty that referred to Whitelisting. I had no idea what the heck that was. I finally had to search for it on Google, because most email marketers would make the assumption that I knew what they were talking about. I make it a point in my emails to explain what it is…and I even put a short demo of how to get that done.
So In Today’s blog, I will share what that is. It’s a pretty simple process, but it means that if you want to get emails from the person who is emailing you …there are times where their email will go into other folders than the inbox. That means you will miss whatever they want to share with you. If you want to get more information about a product or service, it could land in your spam box, promotion, box or any other box your email provider has.
To avoid missing important emails from a person that you want to get emails from, you would want to “Whitelist” that person. All you need to do to get that done is add them to your contact list. This way your email provider, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL…etc. will know that you want to receive emails from that particular person and will have those email landing in your inbox, rather than those other boxes that you might not normally check on a regular basis.
So of course I have a video demonstration on how to get that done. Take a peek…
Well I hope that provided enough information for you: Below I have a link that goes over the procedures from the most popular providers. Here it is: http://helpfulmentor.com/howtowhitelistemail
Once again…my goal is to provide the best solutions for all your online and/or marketing needs, so I hope this was helpful! Say tuned tomorrow for a marketing tool I think is pretty cool and easy to use.
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PS…Comment and share if you thought this was helpful and you can connect with me by clicking on the upper right hand pic of me…Talk soon!