
Why Does My Dog Lick His Paw So Much?

My dog Quincy

My dog Quincy

As a pet lover and a dog owner, you want to understand what makes your pet tick (no pun intended)

Now, we know our dogs don’t speak human. So, how do we know when a habit is just that…and nothing serious?

And we all know that our animals can do some pretty strange things at times..at least in our eyes they are strange. Mainly because we don’t understand, speak dog or cat.

My dog, Quincy, is constantly licking his right paw… And only the right paw.

He would sit there for minutes at a time, licking and slobbering on his paw. His concentration rivals that of a painter, intent on a masterpiece.

At first it was a bit comical.

But, after a while it has become “normal” for him to lick his paw. I often tap him to get him to stop. After that, he lets go…

…till the next urge

I got curious, wanting to know why he does this.

Here is what I found.

It might be helpful in case your dog does the same thing.

Check it out:

My dog is constantly licking his paw

Former Marine. I am proud of my service as a Marine. God-fearing. I thank God everyday for my redemption. I am not afraid or ashamed to say this (smiles). I am always willing to learn new things. Always willing to share what little I know. As it says in the Bible..."Those who have ears, hear; those who have eyes, see. You have come to the right place to learn something new and fresh. If your journey is to learn new ways to generate income, you have found it. So, I welcome you with open heart and arms. Semper Fidelis!
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