Blog Archives

“……and now I am a dreamer.”

My Retirement Story

“…..and now I am a dreamer.” Yes, I’m a dreamer….one whose dreams come true.  When I was a  little girl, I would  lie on the warm, soft, smooth green grass  of summer. Looking  up at the beautiful blue sky with millions

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Education Is Learning

      When I first joined GlobalNPN,  my mind was full of  thoughts that I would move to the top of the class quickly.One day in the backoffice, I knew that I had been very foolish. The tools to

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What I wish I had known earlier about supplementing my Social Security income


  It is difficult for me to believe what I have found right here on the Internet. I am a retired woman who lives on her Social Security. I have wanted, for sometime, to find a part time job to

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The “Kid” is moving on….

Progress in the making...

The difference between owning a brick and mortar  business and a virtual business is pretty big in important ways if you value your freedom. As a former brick and mortar flower and balloon shop owner with  X number of employees

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Exciting retirement (from flower shop owner to …)

At first, I thought retirement would just be wonderful. I volunteered at the church, took a Bible study, volunteered at the Food Bank, and did Sunshine Baskets for church members that were in the hospital 🙂 I loved all of

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“New Kid” is making some progress

Progress in the making...

Hi all-I have been skipping around and making some progress.  “Oh Happy Day.”  It feels like I am making progress, and that makes a” smile on my face” and “A Song in my heart.”  Yes,  I love musicals and they

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Excited “New Kid on the block”

Hi everyone-greetings from the new kid on the block . I am so excited about being here and getting to know each of you. Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated. I was self employed for about

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