
Are You a Casualty of the F-Bomb?

Tony Robbins’ new Netflix documentary is all the rage in marketing circles right now.

It seems that he drops quite a few f-bombs during the show.

In fact, some claim that he’s f-bombing the heck out of the program.

I haven’t had time to watch the whole thing, but I did watch the first few minutes so I could save it in my recently watched file.

Tony did indeed drop the f-bomb once or twice in the first minutes.

I’m not offended by it.

Lots of other people are.


Here’s a comment I made on FB…
Dave Kotecki –

I use the f-bomb when I’m speaking. It’s not a tactic.
In fact, I consciously work on the amount of swearing I do. It’s simply a bad habit that I have and I’m working on.

There is rarely any reason to purposely write profanity

It’s just stupid.

When speaking, it’s easy to get caught up in the passion of the moment.

When writing, it’ll almost always come across as BS because you must have planned it.

I think people who come up with more imaginative and interesting language are more fun to read.

Besides, it gains attention to use a word that’s not often heard.
Some may think it’s a pattern interrupt thing.

Or something else.

I don’t know the reason why Tony or anybody else does what they do.

I just chalk it up to being their personality.

And if it works for them, more power to ’em.

But don’t fall into the trap of thinking dropping the  f-bomb is “the thing to do” now.

If it’s you and it works for you, fine.

Just don’t use it as a tactic.

Because whenever you attempt to use a tactic (whether it’s effective for the person you’re swiping it from or not) it’s sure to backfire on you.

Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it’s not sincere when you’re using it as a tactic.

Your peeps will see right through it, and damage will be done to your reputation in their eyes.

That’s something you want to avoid at all costs.

Whether you’re dropping the f-bomb like a WWII B-29 or as squeaky-clean as a nun on Sunday, build the foundation of your business here.

You’ll have everything you need to run a profitable business online in a secure location.

Because losing all your data will have you dropping f-bombs all over the place.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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