I coined a new word today.
Notworking – The practice of contacting people under the premise of “networking with like-minded individuals” or other equally transparent BS, when all you really want to do is sell me your crap, even though you know nothing about me or if I am a prospective customer.
I sell stuff online. Only a couple of things, because I only trust a few people (that I can verify from personal experience or their contact with people I know) and I’m not in the business of being a Walmart of marketing trash.
I don’t play the usual marketing games and I certainly don’t intend to “friend” people in order to spring my pitch on them later.
I’m simply looking for those entrepreneurs who are searching for the products I have to offer. My intent is to assist them with improving their business, saving some money and selling more of their products.
That’s it.
I’m tellin’ ya, it’s a drag attempting to “reach out” to people, because when I do, all they see is another potential client.
Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with looking for more clients. That’s how we all grow our businesses. I’m just sayin’ that if ya wanna “friend” someone, be their friend.
If you’re contacting them to talk about marketing, just talk about it.
Drop the “like-minded” people crap.
It brands you as a wannabe and guarantees you’ll end up a loser in the marketing game.
Wanna learn how to market online without acting like a poser?
We’ve got over 120 hours of video training in our Training Vault.
You can get it (along with an entire suite of must-have marketing tools) right here.