
Branding is for Cattle

If you ain’t a cattle rancher, you can probably leave it alone.

I’m not the only one that holds this opinion.

Some respected ad men and influence brokers do too.

Here’s the thing…

Branding is one o’ those things that everyone buys into. One can’t even go online at all today without being bombarded by branding BS.

It’s out of control.

One thing’s for certain.

Unless you’re a big company, you don’t have a brand.

You have a reputation.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t have a logo to represent you.

I’m just sayin ya don’t need one.


Are you making sales?

A lot of them?

Do you have at least one lead source humming along?

By that I mean supplying you with a steady stream of probable customers.

This is a good plan in only 4 (count ’em 4) words…

Sell Now. Brand Later.

If ya ain’t makin no money, ya ain’t gonna care about your logo when you go broke.

It’s one of the many anchors that’ll drag you down and drown you in the ocean of the Internet.

You require only 3 objectives in your online marketing business.

1) Get leads
2) Sell ’em something
3) Get their email address (so you can sell ’em more stuff)

That’s it, that’s all there is, there ain’t no more.

Everything else you do is either adding to one of those areas or a complete waste of time.

Take note that branding is not on the list.

There may come a day when you’ll want to have a logo, etc.

But if you think about your brand as your reputation, you’ll be way ahead of the crowd.

Because your reputation is who you are.

It’s like a personal brand.

But since only you are in control of it, reputation is a better word.

Keeps ya grounded in reality.

To build your reputation by sharing your message online go here.

Until you’re making money in your online marketing business avoid the BS.

How will you know if it’s BS?

If it doesn’t directly lead to a sale, it’s probably BS.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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