
Quit Plotting to Kill Your Customers

I like to look at marketing a business as a game.

The objective is to improve the lives of as many people as possible.  To do that, we sell as much of our product or service as we can. Because when someone buys what you’re offering, their lives are better for it.

When a sale is made everyone wins.

When no exchange takes place everyone loses.

I’m not much into how most seem to see marketing as a sport or even worse, a battle. I get the metaphors.

I spent a good portion of my adult life either in the Army or supporting our military in one way or another.

The thing is, I know that language is important.


I had a high level coach that always told me that. At first, he had to remind me every day. As time went on, it became less and less.

While I still catch myself using weak language from time to time, I’ve gotten much better at being careful with my words.

Take the concept of the “tripwire” for example.

In marketing, it’s used to describe a low price point offer.

It’s usually the first offer that a client buys.

But the word tripwire is awful.

A tripwire is the trigger for an explosive device designed to kill or maim an enemy.

Do you really want to think of the first transaction between you and your customer as a trap set to cause them harm?

Can you see how this might color your attitude towards the customer?

You’re not in the business of trapping or hurting people.

Marketing for you is a way to show probable customers that you have what they’re looking for.

Something that will overcome a certain challenge for them.

Not something that will blow them up.

Whether you’re into video, written word or audio, we’ve got the tools you need to help you spread your message right here.

Market your online business with the objective to improve your client’s lives.

You’ll make a bunch more sales.

And you’ll view your customers as friends you can help instead of enemies that must be conquered.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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