Rock the World Your Way

I don’t dream.

I don’t set goals (at least not like other people talk about) because traditional goals are BS.

Anything you do in life for work helps others, or you wouldn’t get paid for it.

Most of the feel good crap about being an “entrepreneur” is straight up snake oil.

The reason most don’t want to be in business for themselves is because it’s much more difficult than having a job.

Right now most people think I have a job.

But I have no boss and I’m paid for production.

I drive a truck long haul for a friend of mine that owns the company.


I make more money than getting my own authority and leasing a truck, etc.

But I get all the freedom of driving.

All the benefits with none of the risk.

On the side I’m working on an online business.

I’ve been working on it a good long while (going on 9 years).

I’ve had successes and I’ve had failures.

And I understand in a big way why most don’t want to do it.

Anyone running a successful business is a badass.

The sheer guts and determination to face the future with no net and the wolves at your heels every day…all that it takes as far as courage…these people are a special breed.

You don’t just decide to do it and everything comes up roses.

Well, I guess some do, but they’ll still hit some bumps.

Rambling a bit but that’s OK.

Bottom line is this…

Don’t hate your job because it’s the goose laying golden eggs for you.

Wanna be in business for yourself?

Get to it.

Just be prepared to dig deep inside yourself to find the grit it takes to make it happen.

And never bash or belittle those who work hard at their jobs.

They’re every bit as necessary and important as those who start a company.

Always remember that your path is yours, and no path is right for everyone.

Give all the help you can, accept it when it’s offered, and never ask for it.

Your life is yours to live and the measure of the contribution you make is decided by you.

If you’re satisfied with what you’re doing and the place you’ve made for yourself in the world, then the Universe is too.

When you’re ready to take the plunge and do your own thing go here.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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