I’ve been saying this for years.
See, everybody and their brother thinks it’s fashionable to talk about how you should treat your business like a business.
But what does that mean?
Most of the noobs saying it have no inkling of how to run a business because they just started.
They hear what other noobs are saying and immediately begin copying (modeling,they call it) other noobs who have no idea what they’re talking about.
And they end up on the path of all the other “me too!” marketers who do nothing but parrot the crap (value) they pick up online.
It’s a tragedy.
I’ve heard it called the blind leading the blind, leading the blind.
Which adds up to a whole lotta the same ol’ same ol’ in the online marketing space.
The funny thing is that sooner or later they’ll copy something about how to stand out from the crowd.
There’s nothing quite so ironic as a wannabe marketer copying someone else while telling you to just be yourself.
It gets downright sickening.
That’s why I say treat your business like a hobby.
Depending on how old you are, and if you’re into sports, you may have heard of a guy called “Jimmy the Greek”.
Jimmy was a sportscaster who had an incredible knowledge of sports figures.
It was amazing.
I knew a guy in high school named Darren.
We called him Darren The Greek.
Because he had a knowledge of sports and players that was eerily similar to Jimmy’s.
He must have spent hour after hour watching games and examining statistics of teams and players.
And this was before the guys who invented Google were even born.
Darren didn’t get paid for doing what he did.
Although he did love to share his knowledge and advice on which teams to bet on.
He studied the stats every chance he got.
He spend all his spare time and money on his craft.
It was his hobby.
That’s why I say you should treat your business like a hobby.
If you put your heart and soul into your business like Darren did into his hobby, it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll succeed.
With that kind of dedication how could you possibly fail?
If your business doesn’t inspire you to treat it like a hobby, you should probably find something else to do.
If it does, you can find everything you need to share your message here.
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