
Why I Don’t Do Branding

It’s mostly because I don’t do hyped up cliche horse dooky.

I hate cliches.

Hate ’em.

Made up words and phrases designed to muddy the marketing waters.

Used by those who want to conceal the truth about what they’re doing.

See, they have to make stuff sound new and exciting all the time.

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These soon to be out of business hucksters only want to sound important

Yet smart marketers can see right through the smoke and mirrors.

You don’t have to brand yourself.

Pop quiz.

Do you know any of these companies?


Did the owners of those companies brand themselves?


But I bet you know who at least a couple of them are, don’t you?

How can that be?

Because they built companies that became well known brands through superior products or services.

Maybe your situation is a bit different.

Perhaps you don’t have a company like one of the above and yours depends on your personality.

You may be the face of your business.

The situation is still the same.

All ya gotta do is be yourself and act according to your values and principles.

Simply putting yourself out there will make what you stand for known.

That’s your brand.

It’s the natural outgrowth of your marketing.

It takes no other special effort.

Wanna make your marketing (branding) easier and more effective?

Go here to get everything you need to make it happen every day.

Call it whatever you want.

Do it consistently and you’re sure to reach your business goals.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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