Q: How many times can you fail and still win?
A: You can’t win if you always fail.
If you fail every time, you lose.
Failing is losing.
So you learned how to something that won’t work.
You’re a little bit broker, and you learned something useless.
The only thing you want to learn is what works.
All things that don’t work should be forgotten.
If you don’t forget what doesn’t work, you’ll keep concentrating on making mistakes.
That’s how your brain works.
Remember successes, forget failures.
So why do all these boneheads think failure is something to celebrate?
I have no idea.
As you may have picked up on, I’m highly aggravated by the subject today.
I think a lot of wannabe gurus love talking about how great failure is.
Wanna know why?
Because they can’t make anything work, and it’s the only thing they can say that keeps them from beating their head against a wall.
I’ve had my share of failures.
Especially when marketing online.
I’ve had some successes too.
Guess what.
The only times I’ve moved forward is when I did something that succeeded.
Think about that for a minute.
Of course that’s true.
If I had continued failing and nothing ever worked, you wouldn’t even be reading this.
Because I would have quit a long time ago.
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