If You’re Promoting These, You Should Be Ashamed of Yourself!

We all want to make money in this business. That’s why we do it. We get involved in a program which looks exciting with lots of money to be made. The advertisement for a certain “opportunity” caught our eye. BIG, Bold, Flashy words with pictures depicting stacks of dollar bills or gold bars.  Even a beautiful woman or handsome man on the photo.

“No selling”, “No talking to anyone”, “We do all the work for you”, “Get Rich Fast”, etc., etc. ad infinitum, ad nasuseam.


If you are promoting programs like this, you are a disgrace to the rest of us professional Internet Marketers trying to build credibility in our own businesses! But on the other hand, you may not know any better. I sure didn’t when I started out. So, I will help you. J

I got involved and started promoting so-called business opportunities that looked absolutely fail safe and a sure thing. Little did I know, I was just spinning my wheels and spending my hard earned money and precious time on scams or other businesses which just didn’t have any chance of working because it was a just a bad idea altogether.

I’m here to tell you, if you are involved with and promoting this shit, and you are serious about being an actual professional Internet Marketer and creating a solid and sustainable income, then you need to STOP! Right Now!

Sure, you might make a few dollars here and there, but it won’t last and you will be on to the next bigger better thing and the cycle starts all over again. Don’t you want to create a solid, credible, sustainable, online business? A business you can put your all into and succeed with and make a name for yourself?

I know I do.

The many nuances of choosing the proper business and evaluating an opportunity to enter into can take many articles to explain to you. And I will provide all that in upcoming posts. However, I do want to give you some very basic guidelines to hold you over until then. I hope they help and steer in you in a better direction.


Guidelines for Choosing a Business

  • If an advertisement for a business opportunity has the aforementioned pictures of stacks of money or gold, claims little or no work involved, no selling, blah, blah, blah, Stay Clear of It! Now, there will be exceptions to this as there are in anything in life, however in general, stay away from it. If they can’t go with a more credible, professional advertisement, just leave them alone.
  • Do your thorough research. Once you come across a business that looks ok, and doesn’t have all that other mess I mentioned, Google the crap out of it. Read reviews. Look on YouTube for videos of the business if available. Research the owner(s). Look on scam sites that consumers write about it. All that said, use your common sense and take everything you read with a grain of salt. You can find bad reviews about anything and anybody so be careful when reading these.
  • Look at the costs of running the business and the upsells. Let me first say this: You WILL need to spend money to run a business. I will write more about that in other articles, as it seems folks think spending money to run their own business is scammy! Anyway, look at the costs involved and any upsells. It is normal for marketers to have upsells, but when they have too many to see you, just consider it a scam for all intents and purposes and move on.
  • Passion. Please make sure, after you learn all about the possible business you will get in to, make sure you actually LIKE what you will have to do. Believe me, if your only motivation is money, you will not last with the business, no matter how great it is. If you really like or love it, you will stick with it and have a better chance of succeeding.


Okay, that’s it for now. I have given you a very brief “30,000 ft, view” of what to avoid and how to choose a business. I will delve deeper into these topics in upcoming articles. For now I just wanted to give you some things to think about.

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I take care of my readers. Believe that.

Alan Turco

United States Marine Corps Veteran, Retired Police Officer and now Serial Online Entrepreneur and voracious reader. I have many wide and varied interests, such as helping others, writing, personal development and associating with others of like positive minds. Nice to Meet You!!