Hi Future Guru,
Yesterday we sent you the first 3 reasons why we built Global NPN to try and get you to see how things work online, and what we have done to help ensure the success of our members.
As promised, here are reasons 4-7. Pay close attention…
4) This is a “dog-eat-dog” industry. No one else seems to care if you fail or succeed. Honestly, NO ONE!
Everyone is focused on M.O.N.E.Y. and most live from a position of need and greed and they show it with the way they present themselves and thus they could care less if you actually do well or not. They just want you in their downline, buying something over and over again…
This is one of the main reasons we do not pass the immense cost of creating, programming, maintaining, and housing all of our tools and marketing materials off on our members. We produce everything in-house for a reason, but we don’t make you pay for it via inflated monthly membership rates.
We keep your overhead low because our systems work. We believe in them because we use them to build our own businesses.
Everything we do is done to make Global NPN better for YOU, the members. Our income only grows if yours does, and we could not honestly say that, if we charged high monthly fees for our marketing systems and training like so many others do.
Global NPN will ALWAYS remain affordable to all.
Too many times we have been in opportunities and wondered if money was actually made with the opportunity itself, or made via the training programs offered…the websites etc.
It is like the guys in the infomercials… are they really making that kind of money or are they making that kind of money by telling you they are?
5) Statistically speaking, there is a 97% chance you will fail on your own. That is not up for debate.
97% of all people who start a network marketing business will never have anything more than an expensive hobby.
This is why we build Global NPN right along with the members in the same exact way we train you to do it. This way we can now how things are progressing and how we can help you individually should you need it. We have everything for you here!
You could take the next five years to try and figure it out on your own or plug into Global NPN and potentially be generating leads, and business partners in your first few days.
6) We will personally never rest. Our goal is to help each and every one of our members reach the $50,000 per year mark via The Power Of One. We won’t leave anyone behind who is willing to work for that goal.
Imagine what kind of business you could grow if you had that kind of capital to work it! Imagine the time you could free up and devote to buiding your business with an extra $50,000 per year coming in!
You can watch us accomplish this as a group, or you can join us and be one of those who reaches this goal.
It is ALWAYS your choice…
7) We want you to master your mind-set, your marketing, and your mission in life so that you can truly live life on your own terms as a sovereign individual… completely FREE!
The more free and independently wealthy people we have in the world the better of the human race will be…but wealth must be created and it doesn’t happen while you sit on your duffer!
You requested our free report for a reason. What on earth are you waiting for Future Guru?
Make the decision today! Get signed up into Global NPN and start building YOUR business, not someone else’s.
I will be looking for you on the inside.
Go Here => http://globalnpn.com/freereport/
Fred “The Submarine Guy” Raley
Woodbridge, VA