10 Reasons To Never Give Up 1. As long as you are alive, anything is possible. The only valid excuse you have to give up is if you are dead. As long as you are alive (and healthy and free)…
Failures aren’t the end of the world. People fail and prevail everyday on this planet, It’s how you look at it. Remember change what’s in your head and you will succeed. My latest video discusses failure and how to turn…
No, No, No, Hell No!!! Absolutely Not. Failure Shouldn’t Be An Option For You… I truly believe that and for good reason. If there’s one thing that changed my life and the lives of successful students from around the world…
Today we talk about failure Image courtesy of rattigon / FreeDigitalPhotos.net How do you view failure? Do you see it as something negative that you don’t want to be associated with or do you see it as something positive? Most people…