It’s been a helluva day at sea, sir. Wow, what a day. Ever been immersed in tech so deep that everything kinda becomes a hazy, cloudy version of itself? That’s what I was doing today. Moved our site to a…
Having trouble focusing in on your vision? This will help… Once again I turn my eyes towards Flakebook(tm) where I attempt to guide the seekers of knowledge towards enlightenment… Here’s a post requesting knowledge: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What is your vision or…
What is your daily life like? Do you do the same thing everyday? Shaking up your routine is energizing and good for your brain.
Will your post assist your audience? Or are you giving them an excuse to waste time? http://globalnpn.com/enter/?id=177663&tag=
Ever get hit up by someone who wants to be your friend on Flakebook? You know what I’m talkin’ about. Those wannabe marketers who claim they “love to connect” with “like-minded people”? At first it’s funny. Then it gets a…
Stop asking people for permission because your decision need to be from you.
On my previous blog I mentioned about our struggle with the previous affiliate company from customer service, to technical difficulty and feeling like we are a bottom feeder. We both agree being a member of Global NPN changed everything from the…
There are probably lots of ways you can ruin your reputation online. This could be the mistake that destroys your business.
Before we found Global NPN we were with a different affiliate which from the very beginning I feel like we were a needle in a haystack. A feeling like were doomed already. I was stressed whenever I signed in. I don’t…
Develop a good habit is about is about being productive and it require consistency. Do you have what it take?
You never know who you’re gonna meet. Today I went to the local Barnes & Noble. I was looking for a book that just came out and I called ahead to make sure they’d hold one for me. I heard…
You build a wall one brick at a time. Consistent daily action builds a solid business. One day at a time.
On my recent blog which probably a month ago or so I shared the best way how to share my blog from Globlan NPN to Blogger. I recommended do post it manually rather than copy and past the link this…
Every day things bleed quality. It seems as if it’s common business practice to produce a superior product and then, once it’s selling well to drop the quality. Keep people coming back for more. Consistently produce quality content.