Know thyself. Some very good advice. I looked it up for accuracy because I believe it’s very important for anyone who wants to make the most of their time on this hunk of rock we call Earth. Here’s what Wikipedia…
Do you have what it takes to break free and follow a new path? .
A couple of days ago I wrote about an alpaca and his advice for marketers who wanna stand out. Along the same line of reasoning, here’s a way to gain friends and influence people… Rockit, my partner and muse, shares…
I see lots of stuff in my travels. Many times I witness animals acting in some crazy ways. Usually I can spot similarities between what’s going on in a field and marketing online. The other day I saw a flock…
Want to know the secrets that will create success in your business? I’m going to send some videos covering these secrets over the next few days. Some of this you may have heard before, and that’s cool. But are you…
How long are you willing to pursue a change? Come to think of it, why do most people lose the drive to pursue something new? Everybody starts out the same way. I’m not talking about as a baby, though that’s…
There’s lots of ways you can follow up and interact with your subscribers. The main question is what fits your personality? I’ve made a study of different styles of writing, frequency and all the other things one can study when…
It’s been a helluva day at sea, sir. Wow, what a day. Ever been immersed in tech so deep that everything kinda becomes a hazy, cloudy version of itself? That’s what I was doing today. Moved our site to a…
Lately I’ve been getting a bit aggravated by certain things going on. Especially on Flakebook(tm). In this particular instance I rip an individual whose tactics are hurting instead of helping the people in the group. I did not post this…
What is your daily life like? Shaking up your routine is energizing and good for you. .
There are lots of ways you can ruin your reputation online. This could be the mistake that destroys your business. .
I got this alert from one of the high-dollar print newsletter writers I subscribe to. He was talking about a tactic where wannabe gurus who are obviously posturing are telling there subscribers to “get off my list”. Now I ask…
Developing good habits is about being productive and it requires consistency. Do you have what it takes? .