Take Action

What each and every one of us need is to make the right decisions and take the action to accomplish our dreams. Goals are dreams with an achievable time frame. If we write out our goals, and break them into manageable time frames this means we are not going to be making any excuses or procrastinate. If you put in the required effort and stay focused do not doubt yourself and have no fear that what you are doing will get the results you are wanting.

We can all, from time to time, allow some form of doubt to creep in but that is allowing yourself to slip into a negative frame of mind. If you find that you doubt anything, including your own ability to be successful, take affirmative action. Action is the key to success. If you attempt something and you fail, try again. You will have given yourself a valuable lesson and when you try again you will know where you failed on your first attempt. Your only fail when you stop trying.

Don’t let other people’s doubts, destroy your dreams. You will always have the well meaning friend or relative who tells you to give your dreams away and be realistic. They mean well but they can also try and change the direction you are headed. Just smile and tell them “thank you for your advice and I will think about what you have said.”

Very important – that you follow your plans so you know where you are going and how long it will take to get there. Always do one task at a time – otherwise, if you are attempting many things, you will tend to be over whelmed. If you reach this point, you sometimes find that you can do nothing because you have not prioritized your work load.

So now are you going to be the one making excuses or are you the one who will take action? Only you can decide. Others can encourage you but you have to be the one who takes action and works towards achieving all you desire for yourself and your family.

So if you think that you do not have it easy, watch this video and rethink it.

To YOUR success

Sue McDonald

I live on the Gold Coast In Australia which is a gorgeous part of the world. I have a master degree in Metaphysics and I love helping people. I love traveling and hope to go on another trip soon. This is why I want to be successful online so I can travel as much as I want. You can work online anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

Latest posts by Sue McDonald (Posts)

  • Corinne Floyd

    Hi Sue, – I loved the video – watched it right through. It certainly goes well with your post!

    • Hi Corinne

      Thank you for your help this morning. I loved the video and wanted to include it because I believe it shows these young kids overcoming so much to following their dreams.

      To YOUR success

      Sue McDonald

  • Joseph Gleissner


    • Thanks Joseph. I think this video shows that if you try you can succeed however hard the obstacles are against you.

      To YOUR success

      Sue McDonald

  • sonif65

    Wow! Awesome video and great words Sue! I live on the Gold Coast too!

    • Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes I love this video because the children believed that it was possible to create the field and aim for the prize.

      To YOUR success

      Sue McDonald