Friends And Business: Are They Really Always There For You?

     In a perfect world we would love to include our friends and business but however sometimes or maybe I should say most times this world is not perfect.  You want to do your best in your business and you may feel that it would be easier and more fun to involve your friends as well.  Sad to say that your friends just may not share the same passion, desire and eagerness to succeed as you may have.  They may become a deterrent, a let down, and a may totally take you off of and away from your goals all together.  The same goes for your family members.

How many friends or members of your family have told you that your business idea or venture was not going to work or to just leave it alone?

Get a real job they say.  But you are an entrepreneur and business is your life or a big part of it at least if you are serious.  You eat, sleep, and breath business.  So why would the people you love and care about the most try to bring you down and send your dreams crashing.  Simply put they may not mean any harm but they just don’t understand.  They have no idea of the capabilities you have and that they have as well.  They have the slightest clue what could take place if they decide to work together with you instead of against you.

One thing is true for sure is that results matter and even if your friends and family are not believing in you or what you are doing, numbers never lie as they say.  If they start seeing you do well they will start asking you what you are doing.  They will be all curious George.  And it will be so gratifying to just know that the people that told you to just get a job are now suddenly trying to figure out a way to get out of theirs.

Funny how it all works out isn’t it.  But I am not saying don’t try to tell your friends and family about your business but just don’t get stuck on it.  And don’t be surprised if you get a negative reaction, because at the end they just don’t realize the business rock star you are.

you rock

So in closing never give up on your self, believe in you and your dreams will come true.

Nicholas Mintz    MY FACEBOOK

My name is Nicholas Mintz and I am always looking forward to meeting and connecting with other like minded individuals. Business is my life and I will not rest until immense success comes to as many individuals as I can connect with. See you at the top.
  • Derrick Harris

    Absolutely right. Most friends dont see your vision and when you tell them they will laugh at you and tell you that you are crazy all because they are afraid to go after their dreams. There were some friends that I had to cut loose because they had no plans of growing but only hanging around everyday.

    Great point.

  • Sharon

    This a Rock Star Blog…hahah..I would say something Curious George too! Yeah don’t get discouraged if friends and family don’t understand. They will when you don’t give up and they see your results…that always happens. Keep up the good work and keep blogging Nicholas 🙂