Are You Marketing from the Sewer?

You don’t create content.

You’re a marketer not a crap-spewing generator of useless netshit.

Hey, I just made a word!

I think it’s a good one.

One that should replace the word content everywhere you go.

Whenever you hear “content” think “netshit”.

Because crapola is exactly what it is.

And it belongs in the sewer.

Are You Marketing from Sewer?

Think about this phrase… “Consume a piece of content”.

How does that make you feel?

I don’t know about you, but it makes me feel a little sick.

Every time I hear “piece of content”, I think “piece of netshit”.

And somebody wants me to consume it.

Not just this one, but a whole bunch more.

It’s called netshit marketing and I’ve had enough.

You’re a marketer.

That means you’ve got a message to share with people.

A message that will inspire them to purchase your product or service.

You share your message through articles, videos and audios.

You share it with passion and belief.

You transfer your feelings to your probable customer because you are totally aligned with your message.

You do not create pieces of content for visitors to consume.

When you’re ready to start sharing your message with articles, videos and audios go here.

If you consider yourself a content (netshit) marketer, knock it off.

You have a reputation.

Start treating your probable customers like the people that they are.

You’ll see the difference in your results.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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