Sometimes certain places do seem like a prison, don’t they?
In this case I’m talking about the walls of your home.
Rockit and I call our domicile The Vault. Why The Vault? Because The Bunker was our condo downtown.
I really like The Bunker because it give the feeling of fighting our marketing battles from a home base. The Vault came about because we had to move when the Internet Thug (or simply Thug for short) came to stay with us.
That’s a story in itself.
That particular story speaks of conflict and my shed negative light on another individual, so I’ll just leave it alone.
The Vault is also a take on the game Fallout. If you don’t know about it, the game story is about life after a nuclear war. The survivors were lucky enough (or unlucky depending on your point of view) to survive by holing up in one of several huge underground Vaults.
That’s the story of why we’re holed up in our own Vault.
Fighting the good fight of capitalism and assisting others as they battle the forces of evil in their lives.
Rockit is planning a jaunt to Whole Foods to pick up supplies for my next trip. While I love talking to you and coming up with new and interesting ideas to share with you, I’ve decided to escape with her for a while.
I walked outside to look around and I made up my mind. The sun is shining, the birds are singing and it’s a beautiful day.
I was again reminded of a few things.
First, people like me and you require some outside time and activity to keep our minds fresh. Nobody likes boring and we simply can’t afford to be.
Second, if you’re not getting out to enjoy things now, when will you?
And third, it’s important to take time out to do exciting things with the people you love.
Even if it’s just a simple trip to Whole Foods.
So get out there and enjoy something outside for a little while every day.
It’ll make you a better person and a better marketer.
When you get back, share your adventures and the stuff you learned here.
Your fans are waiting to hear from you.