Ever been hit by a “Bonus Bummer”?

You can get so much good stuff from Flakebook(tm).
Here’s another one…
Wannabe Guru says:
It’s cool to look for the best Bonuses when buying a product during a launch. Just make sure the bonuses you receive don’t distract you,overwhelm you with more unrelated information, or worse… end up unopened on your computer!



Like anything else, there’s good and bad in bonuses.

Mostly bad.

Lemme explain…
Let’s say for instance that you’ve saved up your money.

Today is the day.

You’ve finally got the means to pick up your very own copy of “How To Make A Bazillion Bucks In 20 Minutes While You’re Sleeping On The Beach!!!”(tm)

You’re a little scared, a lot excited and your hands are shakin so bad you can barely type in your credit card number.
You hit the Buy button.

Then you sit back to wait for it to come in the mail.

This is it.

You’re gonna be rich for sure.

A few days later (when you’re takin a break from dreaming about all the money yer fixin to make) you see another offer online.

It’s from the same Guru that you bought the previously mentioned product from.

He’s talkin’ about the latest, greatest thing to come to Earth since pizza.

And he wants to tell you all about it.

You know this guy.

You like him.

You trust him.

So you can’t wait to hear what he’s got to say.

Wait a minute.

He’s offering bonuses if you buy through his link?


What. The. F.

And now yer thinkin…

Wait a sec.

I just paid you all that money and now you’re giving it away FOR

Goodbye know, like and trust.

Hello refund.

If you’re gonna offer bonuses, you’d better learn how to do it right.

For now, I don’t even offer affiliate programs aside from what I’m using.

I see no reason because most of it is unnecessary stuff that only distracts marketers from their core mission.

Besides, I’ve been burned by the “Bonus Bummer”.

So I just don’t partake in that activity.

It’s like one of the guys I listen to says about offering discounts on his newsletter.

“All of my loyal subscribers paid full price for that material. Why should you get it for less? I owe it to my loyal subscribers to charge you exactly what they paid.”

That’s the way I see it, too.

It also helps to offer something so over the top valuable that no bonuses are required.

You can see what I mean here

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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