‘You’re leaving a lot of money on the table.”
Ever heard that one before?
It seems like every day, someone (probably a guru of some kind) is telling you that if you’re not doing (fill in the blank) you’re going to leave lots of money on the table.
I’d really like to find that table.
Because with so many people leaving so much money on it, all I gotta do is roll up and take it.
That may sound a little crazy, but what if you could actually do exactly that?
I’m here to tell you that people are doing it every day, and you can do it too.
But how?
By paying attention to what your competition is doing.
If what they’re doing is working, there’s nothing to stop you from trying it out yourself. Once you’ve identified something that works, all ya gotta do is do it better than they do.
How do you know if what they’re doing is working?
If you see an ad or a video over and over, odds are that it’s working for whoever is using it. Nobody pays for ads that don’t work, at least not for very long. That’s a ticket on the train to broke.
Another way you can tell if something is working is by the buzz surrounding the product or service.
Take Organifi for instance.
That company has been growing by leaps and bounds. Their marketing must be working if it’s causing that kind of growth.
Of course they must have a good product too. Nobody will keep buying something if it doesn’t do what it claims to do. Or more importantly what they expect it’ll do for them.
Get out there and look for things that are working.
If you’re in a network marketing company, go check your leaderboards. It’s easy to find out who is really crushing it in your company.
Then look them up online. Go through their sales funnel and find out exactly what they’re doing to recruit so many people and sell so much product.
Take notes and make drawings so you can successfully model their funnel.
Why try to figure it out for yourself when you can simply use what’s working for the most successful people in your company?
Once you’ve done all that, login to your Online Marketing Command Center, fire up your NPN Architect and build a similar funnel for yourself.
Don’t ever copy, cuz then you’re just a poser, and you’ll never succeed long-term stealing someone else’s hard work.
Publish your funnel and tweak as necessary to create better results.
That’s all there is to it.
If you still haven’t taken advantage of our $1 Trial offer, where you’ll learn all about how to use your system to create your own successful funnels, go here and check it out now.
You could continue trying to figure all this stuff out on your own, but you’ve already seen how hard that is.
Hit the easy button.
Then let me know how your funnels are working for you.
Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...