
Get to the Bottom of It

I’m a bottom line type o’ guy.

I like to concentrate on the root of a situation.

Get to the bottom of it.

Then take action that will have a global effect.

It’s like the guy that was walking across a bridge one day.

He heard someone screaming for help.


When he looked down, he saw someone thrashing around in the river.

So he did what most people would do.

He ran down, dove in the water and dragged the soggy but thankful person to the riverbank.

Just as he was about to look for help, he heard another scream.

Here came another person flailing away in the water.

He leaped into the river and saved that person too.

This kept up.

Every time he pulled someone out, another person took their place.

He just couldn’t seem to get ahead.

If he had known what to do, he’d have gone upstream and stopped the guy who was throwing all those people in the river.

That’s how most marketers run their businesses.

They’re continually running around putting out fires.

And they never seem to get ahead.

If only they knew what to do, they could take a single action that would solve most of their problems.

How does all this relate to finding your niche?

Lemme explain…

All ya gotta do is find something that solves a challenge that your target market is facing.

That’s it.

If you’ve got their solution, and you market it effectively, you’ll be a happy business owner.

You’ll have lots of happy clients, too.

I prefer to offer a bottom line solution.

One that will answer lots of questions and solve many challenges.

It’s not for everyone, but it’s something every successful business owner needs

Get yours here!

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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