There’s a scene in the movie War Games (near the end) when it seems all is lost. The heroes can’t stop the computer that’s about to launch a buttload of nuclear missiles and start World War III.
At one point the General in charge of NORAD declares:
“Hell, I’d piss on a spark plug if I thought it’d work!”
I know exactly how he felt at that moment.
Have you ever been in a place where it seemed that you’d tried everything but nothing worked?
I sure have.
Wanna know the truth?
If you’re ever in a place like that, remember this one thing: You absolutely have not tried everything and there is an answer.
How do I know?
Because there are people out there right now that are achieving the goal you’re after.
They’ve discovered the path that leads where they want to go.
Therefore, you can and will find the path that will lead you to your goals.
Here’s where most people get hung up.
They believe that they can simply get a map to follow and they’ll be on their way. It doesn’t work that way.
You see, you’ve got to find your own path.
In fact, the path that leads to your success isn’t something that you find.
It’s something you build.
You create it.
Every single step of it.
That’s why nobody else on the planet can tell you what to do.
They’ve never been you.
They’ve never been exactly where you are.
They’ve never had the same resources you have.
They don’t have the same goals you have.
So how in heck could they possibly tell you what to do?
They can’t.
That won’t stop the wannabe coaches and gurus from blowing smoke up yer butt to get at yer money though.
Ignore them.
You must build your path to your goals your way.
It’s the only way.
I’m not saying that you can’t pick up some good info from other people on your way. I’m just pointing out the undeniable fact that you’ve got to lay it down yourself.
Brick by brick.
Keep that in mind as you venture boldly into the unknown.
You can make it.
On your way, share what you find with those who come after you.
You can share your message far and wide with the tools you’ll find in
your Online Marketing Command Center.