Maybe 49% Isn’t So Bad

I was scrollin around Flakebook(tm) this morning and I saw this little gem:
Concerned “Marketer” says…

Getting great optins (cpc/conversion%) for my leadmagnet bribe.

However the very first email that I send out for them to receive the free LM bribe only gets 50% open rate for some reason.

I ran a check of my Aweber account and 50% of my Optins NEVER opened a single email.

What are things I should be doing to diagnose why people are opting in but not opening any emails?

How do I begin to even fix this?

1 (1)

Here’s the thing….

You offered something free to someone if they’ll Optin to your email list.

Lots of the people who wanted your free thing either filled in a bogus email address or changed their mind.

So what?

This person wants to know what can be done about the fact that half (half!) of the people who entered their email address are not opening the emails.

Lemme make this easy for you.  Y’know, I’m all about easy.

First of all, no diagnosis is required.

It’s human nature, plain and simple.

People wanna get stuff free, and they don’t necessarily wanna get your crappy emails after that.

Does it hurt your feelings?

It shouldn’t. Why? Because you’re the same way.

You may want the free stuff, but that doesn’t mean ya wanna get anything else.

Especially marketing messages with no meat.


One guy commented that 50% is a pretty good read rate.

I totally agree with him.

Heck, only the people that wanna hear what you’ve got to say will open your emails.

Here’s another tip that most people get wrong.

The subject line is NOT the most important thing.

What gets your subscribers to open your emails?

The From: section.

That’s right my fellow seeker of marketing truth.

Your peeps will open your email because it’s from you and they like hearing from you.

The subject line is secondary.

Of course the subject line still oughta seem like something worth reading.

But if you really like the person sending the email, you’ll open it whatever the subject is.

That’s what I do, anyway.

I’d guess most people are pretty much the same.

So don’t fret if some people have yet to see the amazing benefit they get from reading your emails every day.

Hang in there and keep on putting out your good stuff.

Those who dig you will stay around and invite friends.

Those who don’t?

They’ll either unsubscribe or you can do it for them when you’re cleaning house.

Because keeping your list clean is a good idea.

Reveal your incredible email writing talents with the “ ultimate” email system.

You can get yours (with a whole suite of killer marketing tools) here

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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  • I just recently joined GlobalNPN, and after looking through the training and connecting with my sponsor/mentor., I am committing to the 90 day challenge. I will be making my first facebook livestream on July 4th, declaring my independence. I have never made a video, yet. It is exciting to learn so much from videos provided in the back office and from my mentor, Sharon Stewart. I will be brand new at starting an email list, using video to brand myself and creating a website.
    I really enjoyed this post. It is true, we could let our feelings be hurt, but, to admit we are the same takes that hurt away. and your statement about the From section is what gets the email opened. That is so true. Branding ourselves, letting folks see our true self, and the passion in what we do, is WHY they will open the email., they truly want to hear what’s up…
    I am very happy to have found this membership group, and the great suite of marketing tools that go along with it.