The .13 Cent Wake Up Call

It was a bloodless revolution, occurring only in the mind of the Thug.

But she definitely got the point.

How much can one person stand?

What does it take until finally one says “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

I suppose it’s different for all of us.

For me, it was more of a slow, sickening realization than a sudden epiphany.

I felt like the frog.

You know the one.

He’s sitting in a pot of water and the temperature goes up so slowly he never realizes that he’s being boiled alive.

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Yet one day, my eyes were opened.

And a mind once stretched never goes back to it’s original dimensions as some famous dude once said.

Since my awakening, I’ve spent every day working on myself and my business.

I’ve had much more success with myself.

Which is a good thing ‘cuz ya can’t get the bindness right unless yo head is right.

I’m working on the Thug.

She gets some of it, but I know that lots of the rest will only come in time.

Thug’s been working as a retail clerk for an unnamed large arts & crafts store.

I suppose she’s doing alright, she hasn’t reported any major confrontations with management or co-workers.

And then came the review.

It happened the other day.

The manager called her in and made some nonsensical remarks that didn’t even seem to apply to the Thug.

Then Thug was presented with the reward she had earned over her 9 months of loyal service.

13 cents.

.13 if you prefer.

It doesn’t really matter, and neither does the amount.

What did the Thug learn from this?

That you can go to work, come when they call on your off days and do a generally good job.

What will that get you after 9 months?

13 cents.

So the Thug learned that she’s just a space-filler that the management of the store and those higher in the company care very little about.

Perhaps one day I’ll convince her of the advantages of starting her own business online.

When I do, this is where I’ll send her.

Once she gets herself set up she’ll have everything she needs to rake in her first million clams online.

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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