It’s been many months since the last time I cleaned up my Art room.
I go in almost everyday and by looking at it, I was right away feeling blue because it was a mess.
I am aware the clutter is not gonna clean up itself.
Yes, I wish for Elves once upon a time to visit my abode and work on their magic and make everything spotless.
I even envision everything that was laying around will start screaming at me so that they get my attention.
If only all my beads has arms and legs , I will instruct them to put themselves away.
It is so crazy how why I put myself into this kind of stressful situation when I know all I should done was clean up after my mess right away.
As days turn into months, I got tired of convincing myself I will be tidying it soon because I don’t see the urgency to do it.
It was a failed intention from the beginning so I stop imagining.
Until, I got up this morning and I just started the process of elimination, putting things away.
I found lots of things heading to a thrift store.
I will be donating babble and trinkets soon.
I have so much items that I will not be able to use and if I don’t see it it will be forgotten.
What triggered my action?
First of all, it is really time to do it because it matter to me to have a spacious, less clutter and being able to feel the flow of creative whenever I feel like working creatively.
Beside the fact that I now not only make some homemade jewelry, I also sketch and color.
I am going to use the room for creative meditation.
The room is small but whoever peak inside will know there is a “Muse” within.
The vibration around this space is peaceful, colorful, alive and there is so much love because this is part of my connection to my well being and to the universe.
If you are in business, this is one example of not to do.
What I mean by that is; if you focus on many things at once while you are still growing your business, you will get lost in the process.
They said we can multi-task but I don’t believe it that because our mind can only focus on one thing at a time (unless you have multiple brain).
Don’t get lure by the many temptations that every business tools out there are wonderful.
There are shitty products floating around.
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