
There Ain’t No Free Lunch

Freebie-seekers are not your customers.

Tragically, people have been trained to expect things for free.

Yet everyone knows there’s no such thing as a free lunch.

You did know that, didn’t you?

I thought you did.


Anyhoo, I had a conversation with another marketer the other day about the whole “giving value” thing.

I got nuthin against givin a little taste to probable customers.

Kinda like a dealer.

Ya give ’em a little taste to get ’em started.

Then, when they really, really want it, the gravy train comes to a screeching halt.

Lots of marketers are being taught to give and give and give.

The challenge here is that they are also told they don’t have to sell.

That eventually, because they’re so giving, their followers will love them enough to give them some money.

What a load.

If you’re not selling, nobody is gonna be buying.

Share value?


Tell them what to do?


Entertain, enlighten and educate?

Yes, yes, yes.

And do it all with the purpose of making a sale.


Because your prospects will only get the most you have to offer when they buy your product or service.

If they can always get everything for free, they’ll never buy.

You’ll make no money and your probable customers will never get what they’re after.

Go to Costco on any given day and you’ll be able to get samples of all kinds of stuff.

But they only give you a little bit.

Just enough to enjoy the experience.

They do that because they know if you like it enough, you’ll buy.

That’s the attitude you’ve got to take.

You owe it to your followers to sell to them.

They’ll appreciate it.

Your bank account will too.

Looking for a way to serve those people?

You can get started here!

Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...
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