“After You Sign Up Under Your Own Affiliate Link?… Read This Now!”….

“I hope you’re getting as excited as I am!

Why? Imagine if you could have done for
you emails that even include your links

embedded in the exact email you get
from the main source…

Now, remember, I had mentioned to
sign up for your own NPNBuilder Link

like this one?  You should see this in your
back office…

Grab the link, open it, add your email,
and set up a ‘dummy’ account…

Make sure you do it with an
email that you can see your

incoming emails from this
affiliate… link…

It’s  Built In With Your Link…
All the incoming emails will

be ready-made sent to you
on a silver platter!….

Including your link that others
will be receiving from you…

All you do is copy and paste
each part of the email properly

into your MMPro Autoresponder
with the correct contact List

You Created Promoting Global

And You are good to go.
Just simply look under the
email you added and

search for Geoff Stephens
emails that are sent to you…

and edit them a little so they
are sort of coming from you…

and VOILLA! Your email
autoresponder is now applied…

In Your MMPro Account..
Keep doing this until all
emails sent are being edited
a little, so they are from you…

Copied and pasted in the HTML
Code and in text format as we

discussed in my other blog….
If you need help with that,

there are videos in your back office,
under MMPro Autorespnder,

located in the “Complete Mission Training
(there’s like 3 video trainings I believe)…

Plus, and or look for my in-depth blog
On the MMPRO Autoresponder if it

helps you read as you do it….
Heck, You can even make a print out
if you got access to a printer,…

if that helps you… As You Can
See, I added an email that
promotes the NPN Builder,

To my Free NPN Builder Subscribers…
If You’re an ‘Executive’ Member,

You Can have the option to create your
own ‘buyers List” and have a huge asset

at your fingertips… You’ll have an adavnced
way that turns your free members’ list into

a buyers’ member list on autopilot when
they upgrade…. You learn these as you’ll

know how happy and how you’ll become
your very own savvy marketer with other

business owners….(Trust me)…

Another EmailCreated....

Also another huge benefit that helps make sure
your email will get delivered!….

Make sure you use the domain email of
your domain name.

Autoresponders frown on freebie emails
like gmail and yahhoo email accounts…


domain email:

Hopefuly you get the idea…

And lastly, located at the bottom,
add your own email to get a preview of
what your email looks like when it is sent to you…

And yes, click the box to check for
spam words, or anything spammy
in the sense of NOT being according

to percentage of being delivered…
Sample Image below…

Validates 100% Email Delivery...

Other Than That? I hope this Post
helps you out!…

Look forward to you joining me
in the next one…

Again,You can use My Post
if it helps you do Blogs for

yourself, or re edit mine
to your liking….

Whatever works for you…

’til next time…


For as long as I have done mail order, and have been online for years with tons of advertising and marketing, I realized that the value of what you do for others in really helping them build your relationship first, guide them along the way in complete honesty what you know, and what you can do to help them succeed.. Don't beat around the bush, trying to sell them goods to make a fast buck. They can see right through you!... Asking questions about their true purpose and if you can be the main guy/girl to help that person out to get what they want!.. It's NOT what you can do to get a bunch of sales, But what You can do to help them get sales,of course, but long term, help grow their business to unlimited potential that'll make them overjoyed as you become their major 'go -to' person!.... When do you want to Chat and Get Acquainted?.... Moneymike DeLuca moneymikedeluca@gmail.com phone +1(857)318-5919 My Sizzle Call 800 863 8612
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