And I know You had ideas…You heard about them and
said to yourself, ….
“That’s the same thought I was thinking… This guy
took my idea”….And now that he’s got it,
What Can I do?”…
Can You relate from your own past thoughts
what I’m talking about?….
I bet you can…
Heck I created a “Talking Postcard” that could
spit out a script that would have others begging
to get the same script so prospects would
be falling all over each other to be the first
to get their hands on this “Talking Postcard”…
They wanted a sample right away… “What Is It?”
“How does it work!”…. I want the ‘Talking Postcard”
for my business!….
This is one example that creates the #1 emotion and gets
people to want to know the so-called “Talking Postcard”…
Another Idea? Pocket Millionaire…. This was actually
MLM Cassettes that expressed how one got 2-3 people
to get 3-4 more all in your downline! And the Pocket Millionaire
(was $14.95 all for you) and shared it with others…
Simple right to the point, and did all the presentations for you…
Another example….
You see wealth is created. With all the tools and products you
can use, Piece each item out, one by one….And ask yourself,
How can a business or an individual like you or me, can prosper
with seeing how one particular tool can help you ATTRACT
a Huge Audience? What can you do to expand on
the feedback from the responses you got…
What questions did they ask you?….
What did you answer? What was…
their reaction….and what did it do for your way
of attracting prospects to you….
Really hone in on what you have…If you really
concentrate, your mind will come up with
plenty of ideas….To participate, you might have
a good “A-Z” plan that you can share with others…
Why Not Blog Here and let us know, so we can
enjoy the success you got, even if it’s close to it…
Maybe one of us could take the ball and run with it….
All it takes is one idea, or thought that’ll have your
heart beating out of your chest with all the answers…
And so much more!…. I can think of plenty even as I do this
post right off the top of my head…I let my mind type the words
as my fingers can’t keep up the pace, My mind wins!….
Do Me One Favor? Never give up on your dreams…
So many people are here to help you, including
Geoff Stephens! Use all the resources you
have so you can Master This Marketing
It really has everything you can offer businesses
and other individuals who should want to build their
List and capture subscribers at the same time.
As you know, long term, it’s not just sales but
the size and quality of your list that counts…
And if the List is being built FOR you….
That’s something worth sharing right?
Look at this and other reasons, so
you can share the offers given on the table,
and reasons why they’re so powerful…
Pick and choose, the ones you can add
emphasis on, or a few that’ll make them
want to see How It can help them out…
Then, “Show and Tell”….
That’s it!…
I hope this helps you get your adrenaline
P.S. You can use my post, share it, if it helps
you, or edit it as if it’s by you if it can help you…
Appreciate You, and To Your Success!….