
Article Marketing – Advertising and Promoting through Blogging with Empower Network

Today we talk about Article Marketing & Blogging

Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

article marketing

A very efficient method to advertise your professional services, the products you are selling or simply to show how educated you are in a particular niche is by using the highly beneficial method of article marketing.

You can write article about your business or about various solution to actual problems, about everyday life or any other topic that will interest and inform a reader about the subject. There are many sites to which you can submit these articles to, or if you have a database of your customers’ emails, just drop them an email containing the article and a link to your personal site or professional site. Over time, it is hoped that your article will be syndicated on websites throughout the internet.

The articles can generally be copied from one article submission site to the other as long as the content belongs to you and you are not stealing someone else’s work. There is a huge demand for content on the internet, it’s what keeps the search engines hungry, and with so many website owners and ezine publishers regularly looking for fresh content, chances are that your article will not only be used on article directories but also on several other sites.

The more interesting and informative an article is, the more people will read and remember it. Even if you don’t have experience with writing, there are some benefits that may persuade you to give it a try:

– It may improve the way you convey your thoughts on a subject.
– It will bring your blog visibility.
– If it’s written well it will may help someone.
– You can prove your knowledge in your professional areas.

Publishing articles means they have to contain mostly useful information and just a little bit of advertising. If they don’t follow this rule, you might end up with an un-publishable article. The promotion area of the article is usually meant for the end of that article, known as the “resource box”.

Articles are meant to inform the reader of a particular subject, and not merely persuade the reader to visit your site with every paragraph written. In fact, should you have a good enough article, the reader will more than likely choose to visit the site in your resource box in any case.

On top of publishing your articles in directories you should also publish them on your blog. I personally have been blogging for a couple of years and get lots of visitors from Google. I personally can highly recommend the Empower Network Viral Blogging platform. Here is the value that you receive from the Empower Network viral blogging platform:

  • The Viral Blogging System was designed by marketers, for marketers. When you buy the blog for $25 a month it comes out of the box set up for marketing. A lot of people will pay thousands of dollars to have a blog designed, usually by a designer – and later find out that most designers do not understand how to market; design work and marketing are two separate skills that are not related.The VBS has a slick looking design, is fully customizable to meet the individuals needs, and is set up to be optimized for your online marketing, if you buy it with the intention to use it for that purpose. Many people use it for personal use, or to market other businesses because it is much quicker, easier and ultimately more affordable than getting a self-hosted blog set up (when you consider everything it takes to set-up and host a blog, such as: monthly hosting fees, design costs, programming costs, and any additional services your outsource such as SEO and anything customized).
  • The Empower Network is an authority website, which means your content will be found on the search engines.

By creating articles with keywords people are searching for on your Empower Network blog, your articles will rank quickly, rank higher and drive more traffic to wherever you point them. To learn more about the power of article marketing and Blogging with Empower Network, click the banner below, enter your best email address and watch the video.

Network Marketing


To your success

Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray
email: info@denniskoray.com
Dennis Koray

I'm a german guy born 1979 in Cologne who has always been looking for ways to make money online. I never liked working for someone else, so i started my first business with 24 and never looked back. I went through lot of failures, but finally cracked the code after years of struggle. I love to sleep in, love to eat, love to inspire people to follow their dreams. My favorite question to ask someone is: What would you do if money wasn't an object? I work from home full time and coach people on how to build an income with nothing more than a computer and an internet connection. To learn more, check out my "About me" page.
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