Today we talk about Increasing Engagement on Your Facebook Posts
If you’ve followed along with my blog post series up to this point, then you’ve now got a Facebook Page for your business, and people are starting to find it.
But getting people to your page by using the promotional techniques we’ve discussed is only part of the battle. You’ve got to keep those.
In marketing terms, you’ve got to increase your engagement on your Facebook posts with your page visitors. Here are some tips for increasing the engagement with your visitors.
Have a Clear Voice.
Everything you post on your business’ Facebook page – including the description of your business, the posts you make, and all responses you post to visitor comments – should reflect the tone and voice of your business. This means that there should be no spelling or grammatical errors in anything you write, but it also means that the personality you’d like to convey for your business comes through as well.
Increase Visitor Engagement by Listening.
As with any other aspect of your business, it’s important to understand that communications with customers and potential customers must happen in both directions. You want those individuals to listen to what you have to say, but your business also needs to listen when they speak.
Of course, in the online context you’ll need to put in more effort to hear them. You’ll need to pay attention to the comments that are left on your Facebook posts. Don’t ignore any comment or complaint, even if you believe it’s unfounded. Respond in a positive and professional manner so that others can see you care about customer service.
Also be sure to periodically search for mentions of your business name on Twitter and other social networks or websites that relate to your niche or industry. You can set up a free Google Alert to automate parts of this process.
The Basics of Promoted Pages.
When someone “likes” your business page, some of your posts will show up in that individual’s news feed. Unfortunately, there’s no way you can guarantee that person will see all of your posts, or even that they’ll necessarily see certain posts that you consider to be particularly compelling or important.
But when your page gets “liked” by more than 100 people, you can use the “Promoted Posts” tool that Facebook makes available. This promotional method allows you to pay Facebook so that particular posts you identify are more likely to show up in the news feeds of the people who’ve liked your page.
In order to begin using this option, simply go to any post that you’ve recently created and click the “Boost Post” button at the bottom of the post. You can then decide who your promotion will apply to (either “People who like your page” or “People who like your page and their friends”), as well as your overall spending budget. For the budget you specify, Facebook will provide you with an estimate of the number of individuals your post will reach.
You Can’t Please Everyone.
In general it’s not good business to weigh in on issues that are considered to be highly controversial. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t have your own strong opinions, but unless a particular issue directly relates to your business, you need to consider whether your business’ Facebook page is the appropriate forum for expressing those opinions. On the other hand, trying to please everyone is a recipe for being a dull disaster. Find the right approach that helps you attract your target audience.
Another important way to increase engagement on your Facebook posts with your customers and potential customers is to communicate with them outside of Facebook. In the next post, we’ll talk about ways you can use Facebook to build your mailing list.
To your success
Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray