Today we talk about How to Make Use of Positive Affirmations
There may be truth to what many people believe that the mind is indeed powerful. And what you think or how you feel may just be a state of mind as well. Your conscious and subconscious mind mold the kind of life you have and want to have in the future. That is why it is important that you develop positive affirmations and keep them going. By constantly creating positive thinking patterns, you feed your subconscious mind the right signals that can help you attain your goals and desires.
When you hear of positive thinking, what usually crops into mind is positive affirmations.
But what exactly does positive affirmations mean?
The term affirmation, by definition, asserts the truth or existence of something. Affirmations may be used in communicating with yourself, whether written, verbal or silent. Normally, this is done in the form of positive affirmations, in which you tell your subconscious about the existence of a particular truth that you can personally relate with and with which its realization is essential to your well being.
While it pays to know a little about reliable interpretations concerning affirmations as well as the mental phases taking place, the use of positive affirmations is actually very simple and such a technique can be used in several ways at various times to complement your lifestyle.
Positive affirmations can apply to any point of your life that you want to change or improve. So if you want to achieve a positive change in your business, career, habits, health, relationship or any other aspect, then you should turn to positive affirmations and make it a part of your everyday life.
When you work with positive affirmations, you are actually sending your subconscious positive signals. Your subconscious mind, in turn, absorbs them and treats them as if it were reality. These positive affirmations should constantly and firmly be repeated, making them a reality of your consciousness as well as the things that surround you.
Developing positive affirmations can help you positively turn things around in your life by attracting circumstances, events or situations that are generally positive and well meaning so you can achieve your goals. This involves proper communication between your mind the subconscious mind. You can change your life for the better by creating positive affirmations. But first, you need to understand how these positive affirmations channel your subconscious minds and your thoughts towards achieving your goals.
Positive thinking involves constant practice. Working with positive affirmations can help you create and learn positive thinking patterns over time. Positive thinking is not naturally possessed – it is rather practiced and developed. Moreover, many people are also not used to positively affirming themselves about their health, careers, relationships, personal lives, and instead lean more towards thinking negative, thus impeding the development of positive thinking patterns. When developing positive thinking patterns, you need to train your mind as well as your subconscious to be more positive so that you can think and learn to develop positive affirmations and in turn, be in control of the kind of life that you want.
But first, you need to know something about positive affirmations as well as positive thinking. A lot of people think that positive thinking is something you do on occasions that need strong affirmations or instances when you want to make positive changes. There are those who believe they are positive thinkers and that things will be better. However good this may sound, it may not be enough to bring positive changes in your life. This, in fact, may even be equated to wishful thinking.
Here is a short Video called: The secret to riches. This video has some great and powerful positive affirmations.
Tomorrow we will talk about Part 2.
To your success
Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray