
The Key Components of an Effective Sales Funnel

Yesterday we talked about

What Is a Sales Funnel and Why Is It Important for Your Success?

Today we look at the Key Components of an effective Sales Funnel.

Sales Funnel

For a sales funnel to work, a few key elements must be in place. First, you need to consider the offers you make. These offers should gradually increase in size and ticket price, as you weed out those who aren’t interested in buying your product.

Second, you must decide the ways in which you will keep in touch with your prospects and further qualify them. Through your offers and communications, you should be able to get your prospect list down to only the serious buyers.

By the time you get to the end of your sales funnel, you should have a list of loyal customers who you can sell to again and again, assuming you nurture that relationship.

Types of Offers

There are a variety of different ways to go about making your offers. The most common include:

Opt-In Giveaways.
An opt-in giveaway is a freebie usually offered in exchange for the person’s name and email address. This is the entry point to your sales funnel. The potential customer wants the free product, so they ‘opt-in’ by giving you their name and email address. You can then begin marketing directly to them through email.

Front-End Offers
Front-end offers are paid offers that work just like freebies, but can actually be more effective. The key is that even though you charge for your offer, you keep the price very low. Charging for the product helps weed out the folks who just want a freebie and aren’t interested in ever opening up their wallets at all. If they’re willing to spend even just a dollar on a small product, you know that they have the potential to be serious buyers in the future.

Subscription Products
Subscription products are low-priced but more profitable for you because you charge a monthly fee to subscribers. It is much tougher to get people to pay for a subscription though, so the content you’re offering has to be really unique and valuable. But if these clients are willing to pay this monthly fee, they’ll be much more likely to buy your high-ticket items.

One-Time Offers
One-time offers are great because they allude to a level of urgency. These are offers telling the visitor that once they click away, the offer expires. In other words, they have to sign up and/or buy immediately or they will lose their one and only chance.

The way a sales funnel works is that the front-end offers are low-priced (or free) and low commitment. In contrast, your back-end offers gradually increase in price. These pricier back-end offers are what really qualify your prospects and tell you who your serious buyers are.

Keeping in Touch

It’s important to keep in touch with your prospects. They shouldn’t only be hearing from you when you’re trying to sell them something. The follow-up emails you send to subscribers on your list should always offer them helpful content. The purpose of these emails is to stay on their radar and build a relationship with them.

The first step in doing this is the ‘thank you’ page. This is a small detail, but it’s extremely important. After signing up for your list or purchasing the initial front-end product from you, redirect your customers to a page that simply thanks them for signing up and/or making a purchase.

You can also use this opportunity to make them another offer. You can use this opportunity to present a one-time offer or an upsell. Either strategy will help you to further qualify prospects. You know you have a serious buyer if they immediately take you up on that second offer.

Email Marketing Tools

The most important tools for email marketing are autoresponder software programs such as Aweber, and GetResponse or Talk Fusion for Video email follow up.

In fact, it’s impossible to market through email without them. These programs manage sign-ups, organize your subscribers, send your broadcast messages to subscribers, and track the results of your campaigns.

Talk Fusion’s Video Communication Products are designed not only to make all aspects of your Email Marketing program faster, easier and more efficient, but also to enhance your efforts by taking advantage of the nearly incalculable popularity of online video. Video captures your recipients’ attention and inspires engagement and response in a way that plain text, or even text and images, never will. It puts you in the room with your customers and prospects, lending a vibrant and personal touch to every interaction.

For example, when was the last time you got an unexpected and personal “thank you” from a business you patronize regularly, like your dry cleaner, your mechanic, or your dentist, other than the occasional obligatory seasonal holiday card? Just recording and sending off a quick Talk Fusion Video Email—letting a customer know you appreciate their business—can reap tangible rewards in terms of loyalty and referral business.

Reach out to your customer list whenever the mood strikes you with the Fusion On the Go Mobile App, whether it’s to touch base while it’s on your mind, or to share something you encounter on your travels that you know your customers might also appreciate.

With The World’s First Video Newsletters, you can truly brand yourself, and send content on multiple subjects in a single transmission. Reward people for joining your contact list with a unique and beautiful newsletter that includes your latest product, sale news, an exclusive special AND a video tutorial!

There’s no end to the depth of engagement you can share, made all the more powerful by the addition of video.

Prospective clients or customers can fill out your E-Subscription Lead Capture Form at any time, day or night. Talk Fusion’s Video Auto Responders automatically follow up for you with a Video Email thanking your new lead for signing up, and letting them know you will be reaching out to them again soon. Video is unarguably the future of business and personal communication.

Talk Fusion Video Communication Products position you ahead of the curve to enhance your Email Marketing campaigns by giving your customers what they want to see most— lively, personalized HD- quality video—quickly and easily.

Sales Funnels and SEO

Remember the shape of the funnel – wide at the entry-point and gradually narrowing toward the main target purchase. Because you want to cast your net wide, the landing page where you make your initial offer should be search engine optimized in order to direct as much traffic as possible to your website.


  • Think about sales funnels you’ve been filtered through yourself:
  • What were the components?
  • What types of funnels did you find attractive or compelling?
  • What components turned you off?

To your success

Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray
email: info@denniskoray.com
Dennis Koray

I'm a german guy born 1979 in Cologne who has always been looking for ways to make money online. I never liked working for someone else, so i started my first business with 24 and never looked back. I went through lot of failures, but finally cracked the code after years of struggle. I love to sleep in, love to eat, love to inspire people to follow their dreams. My favorite question to ask someone is: What would you do if money wasn't an object? I work from home full time and coach people on how to build an income with nothing more than a computer and an internet connection. To learn more, check out my "About me" page.
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