Today we talk about your MLM Downline and why people quit
So you are in Network Marketing and you have been building your MLM downline and maybe a couple of your referrals canceled and dropped out.
Frustrating isn’t it?
Who or what is to blame?
What should you do now?
Chase them down and find out why, or desperately try and get them back?
Probably not worth your time.
If they wouldn’t communicate when they were a member, why would you try it again?
THEY are not worth YOUR time.
So what’s the deal with your MLM downline?
Why are people dropping out of your downline?
Believe me I’ve heard every excuse in the book. Are you a bad sponsor? Are you a bad person?
No, of course not.
But why are quitters joining your downline? That’s what you need to think about. What kind of PERSON are you attracting to your business?
Garbage in, garbage out.
You are attracting quitters with HOW you’re advertising…
… there’s your trouble.
If you’re using cheap or free, over-used advertising RESOURCES..
… you’re going to attract cheap or free over-used REFERRALS.
Think about it.
It’s like going to McDonald’s and expecting to find Network Marketing Rockstars having lunch. What you need to do is to step up your game.
I’ve seen people that have been spinning their wheels for YEARS in Internet Marketing because they refuse to step up their game. They REFUSE to change what they’re doing in order to get a different result.
It’s not your “program”, it’s not your product, it’s not YOU.
It’s WHO you’re attracting. Only YOU can change that.
Think about how YOU are advertising, then think about what KIND of person will be reading and responding to your advertising. WHO are they?
If you don’t like WHO they are, change your marketing strategy to target the people that you ACTUALLY WANT in your business. It’s actually “that simple”.
Don’t complain about the dropouts that have joined your business. Fix your advertising and FIX your business. YOU are awesome and you shouldn’t settle for anything less in your business partners.
When i started out in Network Marketing and Affiliate Marketing i always wondered why i am not able to get really good promoters into my team. I thought: “Man, i have this awesome business, if xyz person would just see the power of this. Why don’t they join?”
In the beginning i really thought the business was my reason for failure so i jumped from one deal to another, but after years of grinding around and not making any money i finally understood that people join “ME” as a person. So in order to attract the right kind of people who don’t quit your MLM downline when problems occur, YOU need to become better. What you do need to learn is not only the right thinking, but you need to have the right mentors, who know what is working today. Just click on the banner below, enter your email and watch the video how this once homeless guy found a solution to the complicated online marketing world.
To your success
Dennis Koray
Skype: denniskoray