Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease.
Bad Breath Causes are numerous and I will cover only a few to make you aware of the underlying implications of gum disease that may concern you.
Gum Disease has serious implications to the health of the rest of the body.
Your gums are clearly connected to every part of your body. Is there a part where the blood supply is not an integral part in sustaining life in this marvelous living organism we call home. When you have gum disease or sore gums, you have a low-grade infection in you mouth. This sometimes impacts other organs in distant parts of the body. Some common examples are the brain, heart, arthritis and bone loss in distant places. Chemicals that cause the loss of bone around the teeth travel in the blood stream to distant areas like the spine causing break down in the boney structure.
In my practice, bleeding, sore gums indicate a breakdown in the body as a system. This leads to dis-ease in the body. Inflammation occurs in the natural process of building up and breaking down each of the systems of the body each and every day. Gum disease is inflammation in the gums. The gums are associated with bad breath odor. This area is like an open wound, allowing infiltration of many bi products and bacteria and other micro organisms directly into the body.
Here is a visual to understand the area mass of bad breath causes and gum disease that you can do right now.
- Put your hands together in prayer fashion in the middle of your lips
- Cross your thumbs and find your ears with your index fingers
- Remove your hands from your face and open them fully. If you placed them on your body the area covered would be from your shoulder to elbow! That is the area of open ulcerated tissue around bleeding gums. This area is open to attack by bacteria and other toxins if you have sore bleeding gums. This is a portal of entry into YOU!
I have been in clinical practice over twenty years. I have an exceptionally healthy client base. The fact be known I educate each and every one of them on the part they play in keeping the mouth disease free 24/7.
Do you know your probing depths and bleeding points? Is this assessed by your Dental Professional on during your routine cleaning appointments?
What does all this mean? Are you aware of any gingivitis or periodontal disease going on in your mouth?
The secret is in the knowing how to break the cycle of disease caused primarily by the build up of biofilm around the teeth and gums. The secret is to remove it on a daily basis before it colonizes and produces acid in and around the gums.
There are numerous tools to help you in this quest. Let’s explore them together.
We will explore the best use of the numerous tools involved in keeping the mouth clean form power brushes to dental floss to tooth picks. I clean your teeth 2-4 times a year, but you clean them over 700 times. Who needs to know how accomplish a satisfactory job each and every day?
Phillips Diamond Clean Sonicare Electric toothbrush is an excellent tool in battling biofilm
Oral B Cross Action Manual Toothbrush
Dental Tape or Total Care by Reach for manual flossers or the Access Flosser Tool
Pro-Namel Toothpaste does not contain SLA ( a costic cleaning agent check under the sink you’ll be surprised to find it in a lot of cleaners.)
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