“Life is a one time gift”

Subject:  From the Mayo Clinic VERY GOOD INFORMATION MUST READ

How many folks do you know who say they don’t want to drink anything before going to bed because they’ll have to get up during the night!!

Heart Attack and Water – I never knew all of this ! Interesting……. Something else I didn’t know … I asked my Doctor why do people need to urinate so much at night time. Answer from my Cardiac Doctor –
Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and etc) seeks level with the kidneys, it is then that the kidneys remove the water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of your body, but this was news to me.
Correct time to drink water… Very Important. From A Cardiac Specialist!
Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:

  • 2 glasses of water after waking up – helps activate internal organs
  • 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal – helps digestion
  • 1 glass of water before taking a bath – helps lower blood pressure
  • 1 glass of water before going to bed – avoids stroke or heart attack

I can also add to this… My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.
Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr. Virend Somers, is a Cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Most heart attacks occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame .
1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night. (a note from sd williams and for what its worth: I have taken lose dose aspirin for the past 8-9 years and usu. take it in the am with rest of my medications. Recently I asked my doctor if I should take it in the evening and he said as long as I am taking it – in the am is okay.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour “half-life”; therefore, if most heart attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest for years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).

Please read on.
Something that we can do to help ourselves – nice to know.
Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue.
They work much faster than the tablets.
Why keep Aspirin by your bedside? It’s about Heart Attacks –
There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also occur less frequently.
Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.
The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake up.
However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.
If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water.
Afterwards: – Call 911. – Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives very close by.
– Say “heart attack!” – Say that you have taken 2 Aspirins. – Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and ...DO NOT LIE DOWN!

A great reminder from the Mayo Clinic.  I keep a tiny case or ASA in my glove box.  You never know.  We also keep them in the clinic for this reason.

“Life is a one time gift”



The content of this Blog is for informational purpose only.

Heather Hansen RDH shall not be responsible or liable for any losses resulting from your reliance on content provided on this site.

It is not a substitute for professional advice.   Always seek the advice of a qualified professional  for any condition you have regarding your health.

©  Heather Hansen RDH 2013




Hello, Welcome and Thanks for Stopping by I am a Baby Boomer transitioning from full time clinical practice in Dental Hygiene to learning how to build a business from home. I have joined a women's only group on line to help facilitate the learning process. For the past 30 plus years I have totally dominated the conversations with my patients (mouths being open), now I am interested in learning how to create a viable, prosperous business on line using Social Media and blogging. Day to day flossing of other people's teeth has not left me very computer savvy! I need all the help I can get to understand the virtual world. I see the world through a mouth mirror and think in micro organisms. In my field of work there is no such thing as a pension fund. I have lots of vitality, a zest for life and desire to continue learning so here I am. I want to continue to earn enough money to be VERY comfortable in my retirement. I want to leave a legacy for my children and grandchildren. I want to have time to holiday with my family each year. We are all so busy with our commitments on a daily basis! "Let's meet somewhere in the world and go skiing, cruising, snorkeling on the great barrier reef." Joining our network does require work. You WILL increase your net worth with some diligent work! If you are interested in having a look into what we can offer you as a team. Come visit me on my blog which is in the links section right here on this page! Have a life worth celebrating every day! Namaste…………... Heather Skype--- hathor.h

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  • Luba Kanch

    Thanks for sharing Heather – a great post to keep bookmarked. Awesome facts here that I am glad you shared! 🙂

  • What an informative post, Heather! Who knew so much about when to drink water?… and as they say “water aint water”…. as everyone who has an Enagic Kangen Water machine can attest!!…