Law of Attraction and Goal setting


My name is Sonia, I drive a Mercedes mercedes I live in my dream home dream home I own 4 beautiful horses horses

4 times a year, I take my family on amazing holidays. We’ve been to London London to visit all of my family, we’ve been skiing in Canadaski in canada and next we have plans to go to       disneyland !


What did you think and how did you feel reading my introduction to myself and my life? My life as I see it unfolding in the not too distant future.

 Have you ‘Written Your Story’ on a vision board or in a diary or anywhere?

Writing down your goals and dreams, reading them every day and focussing on them materialising into your life is what makes dreams come true.

 THIS is the importance of not only setting yourself goals – and yes, ensure that to start with YOU believe that they are realistic, achievable and all that stuff. But DO remember to write down those DREAMS as well. The things that at the moment, you cannot even contemplate because you have other priorities – but they are out there for you. Others have been there before you. You have the pictures to prove it! Whose to say that someday, you can’t have everything you’ve dreamed of too. But you HAVE to start somewhere.

So today, WRITE down your goals and dreams. Google some images that depict what you’ve written and make yourself a ‘Vision Board’ – place it somewhere you will see them every single day – morning and night. Your bathroom is a perfect spot – most of us visit there at least twice a day or more.

 Why don’t you do it! I’d love to hear from you once you do – but stay tuned as I’ll be back with

Stay tuned for Part 3 –

How your Mindset Matters




 Believe, Achieve and Teach!

Stay Beautiful



Want to learn more? Do you want to join a community of women who support and help each other to Believe in themselves, Achieve a great income AND Teach others how to do the same? Join me at Better Womens Network today! I’d love to see you shine.




Hi, My name is Sonia and I have had many titles and roles to date, being the mother of four awesome children who are now all grown up I'm 'Mum'. I've worked for retail giants, Real Estate Agents, Authors and Editors, I've been an advertising co ordinator, a receptionist, a manager, a travelling sales rep, a telemarketer, a spruiker, a karaoke host and an employment consultant. I am passionate about people and am now an entrepreneur with a vision to help as many people as I possibly can realise their dreams through engaging them and showing them tools that work! I'm still a mum. I still go out and do a few hours work for an employer that I love and I'm also still hosting karaoke shows - yes, I can sing a little too. I also own two fantastic businesses that I run from the comfort of wherever I can get internet access. If you'd like to know more, please contact me via facebook

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  • Luba Kanch

    Awesome Sonia – thanks for the tips and inspiration!
    I have a good reminder to get back into my passions and formatting my mindset!

    • Glad I could be an inspiration Luba 🙂 Thank you for your comment!

  • Julie Becker

    Love the pics!  Great post.  🙂

  • I loved reading your vision story – I have always liked stories with pictures – it makes the story very real.

    • Thank you Corinne – I’m glad you liked it. My point was about using vision to assist in manifesting your desires. I’ve read many wonderful stories of success with this method 🙂

  • A vison board, daily affirmations and goal setting all very important in succeeding…thanks for posting

    • Thanks Ralf – it is a discipline that must be practised for it to be truly effective. I’d love to hear how any of you fit this into your daily routine? 🙂

  • Great goals, Sonia! Let me know when you come to Disneyland. Let’s get together for some coffee or tea.

    • 🙂 You’re on Ligia! Thank you for your comment 😉

  • Sonia, you hit the nail on the head. We are responsible for writing the story of our lives, to many people just allow life to dictate what will happen instead of actually writing their own script and living the life that they dream of.

    • 🙂 Thanks for your comment Tracy. Would you agree that this type of thing should be taught to children in schools or should it be left as a parental responsibilty?