Product Creation

Product creation is a very exciting way to be involved in internet marketing. It can appear to be a little daunting for the “newbie” but if you can create your own product you will find it very rewarding in many ways. It you can sell your product, you are most certainly on your way.

The easiest way for most beginners is to buy some PLR products, maybe two or three books on a subject, make a study of them and then using your own words you can create a new product. You may be fortunate already to have a product in mind in a particular niche and you know that you have a lot of background knowledge on the subject.Product Creation

Before creating your product, it pays to do some market research and see if the product you have in mind would be a product that someone would want. Check out other products in that category. Know how much competition you may be up against, and know that you must be able to produce a better product to gain a larger slice of the market.

What your product has to do is provide answers and solutions for questions that are being asked in that niche. The only way to ascertain this is to go and join a forum or do a survey and ask pertinent questions. When you realize what people want to know, you create a product to fulfill that need. Again, research is the key here.

We can even refer back to keyword research here. If you use a keyword tool, check how popular both short and long tailed keywords are in your chosen niche. Keywords are one of the methods that people use to find your product. Another way is to advertise it – and there are several methods of advertising you can employ, including the use of social media.

Your product can be delivered in many different forms and one of the most popular at the moment is the instructional video or video series. You can also write an ebook which, if you like, you can then create it as an MP3 file. You many want to write a report which can be downloaded through a membership site. Which ever method you choose, give as much information as you can on the subject; get the customer keen to get the next product that you are going to create.

To YOUR success

Sue McDonald

I live on the Gold Coast In Australia which is a gorgeous part of the world. I have a master degree in Metaphysics and I love helping people. I love traveling and hope to go on another trip soon. This is why I want to be successful online so I can travel as much as I want. You can work online anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection.

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  • Corinne Floyd

    Good tips Sue – research is so important when looking for ways to provide valuable content. Thanks!

    • Hi Corinne

      I agree that you have to research any thing that you write about. It is so important to only provide facts that are correct.

      To YOUR success

      Sue McDnald

  • Joseph Gleissner

    Sounds fantastic! I have never done it though.

    • Hi Joseph

      It is not as difficult as some people think to create your own product.Do some research and you can create a report or ebook that will be filled with good information.

      To YOUR success

      Sue McDonald