How To Recruit Affiliates

I keep getting this question from marketers, and one marketer in particular.

I say over and over that I don’t recruit affiliates because I’m not in an affiliate program. (I think there’s a 5% residual if one of my clients shares our system, but that’s not what I’m after.)

I’m out to show marketers how they can save a pile of cabbage and market their products, services or opportunities online more effectively.


Consulting about their funnels, their copy and their advertising.

That’s all there is, and there ain’t no more.

What most marketers don’t realize is there’s only 3 simple steps you MUST take online in order to make sales and grow a business.

If you’ve been online for any length of time and you’re not bringing in any revenue, it’s because your online marketing system is lacking in one of these 3 areas.

It doesn’t matter what else you’re doing. You can have the best of everything. You can spend $1,000 per month on ads.

None of it will matter at all unless you’re doing these 3 things…
1. Building a list of clients
2. Making irresistible offers
3. Following up with email

These 3 main areas are all a part of your Simple Marketing Funnel.

If you can’t get someone to click on your ads or links, you’ve got to write better ads and articles, make better videos or audios, or buy some solo ads.

If you can’t get someone to opt-in to your email list, you’ve got to create better landing pages or design a more compelling subscription offer.

If nobody is buying after they land on your sales page, your offer needs work. How can you make it more compelling?

Finally, if nobody opens your emails, clicks the links and eventually buys from you, your email followup is weak.

That is the outline for every successful marketing business online. It tells you everything you need to know and how to make your funnel better using testing and step-by-step improvements.

It’s a virtual treasure map that anyone could follow if they’d put in the effort every day until they finally reach their objective.

Here’s the deal…

If you’re not making any money with your online marketing business, we’ve got what you need to get on track.

It’s a 15 day trial with a complete training program that will set you back a whole dollar.

If that’s too much for you, or you think everything online should be free, you’ve got no business in marketing at all and should probably keep your job.

On the other hand, if you’re ready to find out exactly what it takes to finally start making sales and building your business the right way…

Click here to get started right now

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Rockit n Rebel are 2 inquisitive souls livin' an adventurous life, showing YOU how to rock the world YOUR way. Blow away the smoke and clear away the clutter of online marketing BS. Click any link on this page to get started...

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